THE END OF CHRISTMAS (Part 1) is the first part of Smosh's annual Christmas special, coincidentally uploaded on Friday the 13th of December 2013. Change ), I’ll be home for Christmas | The Story of John Cougar Mellencancer. Whether you agree with her final conclusions or not, Santa-tizing will impact you and will be a book that you return to time and again as a reference source. For everything. That’s how important this information is, folks, so turn on your discernment and seek the Lord our God and His heart. Actually, there were two gods which were essentially worshiped the same … Moabite Stone: “Mass” literally means sacrifice in this context. Not really. Every time, I can feel parts of my soul chipping off and turning to dust. Meaning of chemosh. It brought the very presence of the Lord into the room. It is not a request for permission. But the level of research done is astounding, and the case is clear and convicting! In First and Second Kings, Solomon erected an altar to him at Jerusalem, and Josiah destroyed it. Time which eventually leads to me having to face going home late. Beautifully packaged in a Grace De Bloom wood box. ~ Linda, ❤ I honor you SO MUCH Robin! Not before, not in a way that would give a patient time to finish dressing or find their glasses, no. Nurses and staff have one tremendously bad, privacy-shattering habit — they knock as they enter the room. He and his wife stayed the night that night. It’s all there, it’s profoundly accurate and laid out for the reader to understand. * Hislop, The Two Babylons, “The Name of the Beast, the Number of His Name,” 397. * Rood, The Pagan-Christian Connection EXPOSED, 85-86. I thought it would be just a little testimony and then lots of historical facts with scripture to back it up but it is way more than I thought it would be. When I talk about the hospital being “noisy,” I’m not just talking about yelling patients and hallway conversations. Many homes have Christmas trees and other decorations in the weeks leading to Christmas Day. the tree, the day and some of the ornaments are originally christian. ).The name of the national god of Moab, Chemosh is mentioned eight times in the OT. ❤ I honor you SO MUCH Robin! Just trying to get my medications on time is already a full-time job, so trying to split my increasingly-weary mind between that and seeing my family for the first time in six months was hellish. Learn more. I haven’t had to stay until Saturday yet, although it’s come close. They spent a lot of time with me, I know. The leaven of Christmas corrupts spiritual fruit, making the life of a professed Christian of no effect for YHWH Almighty. But I spent so little time in its warm glow, and soon it was stripped and taken out as yard waste. “We have ample and melancholy evidence on this subject from the records of antiquity.” It was believed that human sacrifice to Baal held the key to prosperity. the destroyer, subduer, or fish-god, the god of the Moabites ( Numbers 21:29; Jeremiah 48:7 Jeremiah 48:13 Jeremiah 48:46).The worship of this god, "the abomination of Moab," was introduced at Jerusalem by Solomon ( 1 Kings 11:7), but was abolished by Josiah ( 2 Kings 23:13).On the "Moabite Stone" (q.v. An ottoman doesn’t need privacy, and apparently neither do cancer patients. -I’m so tired. And thus was born the Ghost of Chemo Christmas, who has come to warn you to spay and neuter your pets, or something. I don’t look at it as giving up Christmas, but picking up an even better holiday. So when I found myself on the phone with my brother, I let it all out again. ❤ Incredible. It’s demoralizing, it’s cold, it’s the uniform of the damned. I’m told this cannot be helped. She yelled. “Although Tophet is a different high place than Solomon’s Mount Olivet, they both were places where idols were exalted and God’s children were sacrificed to the same bloodthirsty gods east of Jerusalem. • SANTA-TIZING: What’s wrong with Christmas and how to clean it up book => was written to fulfill a vow made to Yeshua’s face to tell the Christian Church that “Christmas will be the Golden Calf of America.” It took 10 years of full-time research, a golden scribe angel and the Spirit’s leading to unearthing His Truth in the sands of time. God ordained 7 Holy Feasts aka Holidays: Passover, Feast of Unleavened Bread, Feast of First Fruits, Pentecost, Trumpets, Atonement and Tabernacles. Help!” in erie monotone). And yes, we actually look forward to the holidays. And there were so, so many. In his usual calm way, he assured me he’d do anything he could to help, and that he was getting ready to come by. While I had been in the hospital with a needle in my chest, this thing had been sparkling there. Chemosh is accordingly named because of his association with Moab, the cities of which are being spoken of, although strictly and literally Milcom should have been named in an appeal addressed as a whole to the Ammonites (Judges 11:12-28; compare Moore at the place). “The priests stoked the iron image of the enthroned Chemosh with wood and burning pitch, which turned the idol into a cherry red furnace. In the end, instead of Friday at 5pm, which I had been desperately looking forward to all week, I had to go home at 7. And on top of that, the oncology pharmacist who knows everything and always kindly addresses my concerns was out, too. It’s painful. I fell asleep, hard, like I always do after chemo. Knowing my family, they had probably also spent a lot of time kept silently to themselves, reading or playing mobile games, just sharing the room. I have read many books and never felt that before, because this is shattering darkness and lies and is setting the captives free. Each piece created is I actually thought to myself “This won’t be so bad,” as I hung sparkly decorations on my IV rack. She discusses the history of Christmas in impressive detail and tells the story of her own personal decision to lay down the holiday. Am I the only parent to experience my child’s ungrateful complaint, “Is that it?” when he had just opened a boatload of gifts? ( Log Out /  Chemosh is not commonly … Because without my constant vigilance and self-advocacy, I’m pretty sure someone at the hospital would get confused and just set me on fire and leave me to die instead of taking care of me. We have forgotten much that used to be known, and the Holy Spirit is likewise uncovering much that the enemy ... Read More about chemosh and shamash those who bow down and swear by the LORD and who also swear by Molech” (Zeph. Human sacrifice? Definition of chemosh in the dictionary. What does chemosh mean? Recently, archaeologists unearthed a Baal cemetery containing the remains of more than twenty thousand children. (the period just before and after) 25 December, a Christian holy day that celebrates the birth…. But there was a sourness to it too, between the moments of total fullness and complete joy. I don’t know. I realized that this tree had been there all week, shining, warming the room. But as a cultural holiday, Christmas is still a high point of the year for me and, I think, for my family. One of my other top hospital battles, besides getting basic medical care in a timely and safe manner, is the one for privacy. We adjusted our traditional Christmas dinner (usually eaten on December 25th, late in the evening) to be the Sunday before the holiday, so that my tastebuds would still be normal enough to taste my mom’s delicious lamb dinner. Please write your Initials, names, or wedding date in the PERSONALIZATION box below. On top of everything else, my regular doctor was on vacation, so I got daily visits from a complete stranger who was not at all invested in me. My family promised me they’d visit me as much as I could tolerate, so that I wouldn’t have to be alone. ~ Amazon Customer, ❤ As I was reading the book, I felt like I was listening to you speak out the words of Yahweh. 5.,,,,,, SANTA-TIZING: What's wrong with Christmas and how to clean it up, THE LIGHT OF THE MESSIAH: Online Interactive Class, THE BRIDE’S ANCIENT FOUNDATION OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE WRITTEN DURING HANUKKAH. It’s not the time of year when we have to be around each other, it’s the time when we get to. This year, it was Christmas’s turn, and with everything that’s happened in my life this year, I was looking forward to it with desperate eagerness. Sharing the air. I mumbled and rambled about not wanting to be alone, about being tired, about hating everything. (1 Kings 11:7; 2 Kings 23:13) Also identified with Baal-peor, Baalzebub, Mars and Saturn. The nurses kindly gave me their largest room, because they knew I would be having lots of visitors. A lot. But the level of research done is astounding, and the case is clear and convicting! Did they work? I was tired of fighting my way to getting proper treatment. I challenge everyone to read this book, whatever your current view on Christmas is. The following I shared four days ago, but I was unable to promote that post on Facebook, as our gracious Heavenly Father requested of me, so here’s the article again, which I am more clearing connecting to the spirit of abortion this go-around. For me, it feels like it never quite happened, because I was in the hospital for the entire week. This was what I’d been waiting for. Fortunately, no one came in during any of my moist towelings, but that could have been blind luck. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. I’m so tired. Many of them were for me. A. Sutherland - - Mesha Stele, which is also known as the Moabite Stone, is one of the most valuable Biblical artifacts. Staying in the hospital is, for me, five days of essentially being very needy furniture. Founder and Pastor General of The Restored Church of God, Editor-in-Chief of The Real Truth magazine, and voice of The World to Come program, David C. Pack has reached many millions around the globe with the most powerful truths of the Bible—unknown to almost all. We actually like each other. ~ Verified Amazon Customer, ❤ The book is a must read. i’ve mentioned before that I’m not religious, and that goes for my family, too. I've been out for almost a week now, and only now have I … Define ‘Chemosh’ as used in the Bible. I mean, she clearly didn’t want me to die on her watch, but it ended there. I felt absolutely complete. Locate examples of ‘Chemosh’ in Bible verses. You will be shocked! Those were my two hours, and the exhaustion of chemo does not care if it’s Christmas or not. And I was forced to double/triple/quadruple check every aspect of my care, because the documentation didn’t (and never does) fit my actual medical needs or current status, and none of the regular crew was around to help keep an eye on things. Abomination of Moab . * The New International Dictionary of the Christian Church, Christmas, James Taylor, 223. Chemosh was one of those gods worshiped by Solomon’s wives. I also just tried to simply post this article on Facebook and could not. I’m so fucking tired. The cult of Chemosh was eventually destroyed in Judah by King Josiah (2 Kings 23). Let me explain. It’s a joy to say yes. The tears didn’t burn this time, so there was no stopping them. ( Log Out /  I knew those answers were out there but never thought I would ever find them till now. We used that advance notice to try and make the absolute most of the experience for all of us. We talked and laughed and even sang a little with my ukulele. The late Reverend Hislop’s extensive research led him to conclude: “Moloch and Roman Saturn have the same bloody character.” This fact is important in our analysis of Christmas being the golden calf of America. I did not envy their sleeping arrangement on those recliners in the noisy hospital, but it felt good to have them there. Sometime on Thursday, I realized that I had one night left, and that I was going to be spending it alone. Little is known about Chemosh; although King Solomon of Israel built a sanctuary to him east of Jerusalem (1 Kings 11:7), the shrine was later demolished by King Josiah (2 Kings 23:13). (John 4:1-6; James 1:22-25) The truth of the Messiah is not magnified by Christmas, nor did He advise disciples to engage in pagan holidays and practices. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. I could actually see you in the spirit speaking the very words as I was reading them, and the presence of Holy Spirit was breathing life. Robin Main presents the facts from a point of view that is simultaneously expert and deeply personal. P.S. If you’re convinced Christmas is great and godly, you should have nothing to worry about! Christmas is a distant memory to most people by now, even among those who celebrate it wholeheartedly. I’d just finished another too-lengthy conversation with a nurse in which I had to insist on something or other too many times. Thus my two signs were born, one urging a decent delay after knocking, and one indicating that I was busy bathing myself with pre-moistened towlettes. I never thought this was an issue for me or my family…..but looking back, I knew. Some workplaces hold Christmas parties prior to December 25. ❤ The book is a must read. I could actually see you in the spirit speaking the very words as I was reading them, and the presence of Holy Spirit was breathing life. Christmas Day is a holiday in many, but not all, countries. Finally untethered from my IV rack after five long days, I snuggled up to Nate on the couch and took it all in. It comes early on Friday evening, and it is relentless. It was accidentally discovered among the ruins of Dhiban (Biblical "Dibon," capital of Moab), 20 miles east of the Dead Sea, by … I challenge everyone to read this book, whatever your current view on Christmas is. I was still spending almost all my energies trying to wrangle every detail of my care. Sometimes they are extremely distressed and we end up with police officers in the hallway (that was Round 4), sometimes it’s not that dramatic but it’s still not clear why they don’t just push the nurse call button like the rest of us (Round 2 featured a man who just yelled “Help! In my family, we don’t get to all be together every year, but the general idea of slowing down, taking some days off, and spending time with people I love always gets my spirits up. But when those roots affect me today, they have to be investigated. Unfortunately, Chemosh-worship was introduced into Israelite culture by King Solomon, who had wives from other cultures who turned his heart to other gods (1 Kings 11:4–7). You’re a fixture in the room, and no one cares if you’re there, or what you might be doing there, or whether or not you’d rather be left alone for five fucking minutes. He has authored 80 books and booklets, personally established over 50 congregations, and appeared as a guest on The History Channel. 1:4-5). It was a few hours later than I’d hoped, but I got to leave. Robin Main presents the facts from a point of view that is simultaneously expert and deeply personal. It all makes so much sense to me now! If you have the courage to remove the veils and hear the full truth, if you desire to please and honor Him fully in every way- – whatever that means, read this book!! Tradition, he expounds that Chemosh was the pagan god of prosperity that was the same cast iron, pot-bellied god of their kin, the Ammonites, who was worshiped by the name of Molech or Moloch. In large part, I mean that this happens. What a sneaky history we have! This, my friends, is my IV rack alarm. If you’re convinced Christmas is great and godly, you should have nothing to worry about! I felt completely infantilized, swaddled in that starchy cloth and shrunk down by its gargantuan proportions. Unfortunately, there was a miscommunication with my mom about the details of this particular plan, and I had to sleep in a hospital gown on Wednesday night. Personalized engraving service available for your Big Day. i had believed that too but irl after reading up, that's more complicated. The rules of the game are explained inside and it can be adapted suit different chemistry classes and different age group; the outline of the game is the same but differentiation is achieved by changing the difficulty of … I’ve always felt a little spoiled as the baby of the family, and I guess being in chemo has a way of eliciting people’s sympathies. I wanted to rest and be taken care of. I waited so long in my life to finally have the answers I always wondered about. . Although Chemosh was traditionally the head of a pantheon, many fanatical Moabites believed that not only was Chemosh superior to other gods such as the Philistinians ' Dagon , but that he was the one true god, and that Dagon was either a demon or that he did not exist at all. Unfortunately, the room across the hall was occupied by someone I only know as Yelling Lady. (I am now trying to think of a better nickname for her, since she was so nice to me. Satan invented all the others in every religion. This is the alarm that goes off because of air bubbles in my chemo mixture. Anyone reading it will be gripped by it. History . Even though I usually spend most hospital nights alone, this shattered my world. Otherwise, I was still a footstool. The pages … are all wrapped up in love, just like Yeshua would have it told. Christmas means “Sacrifice of Jesus Christ and Consumption (Mass) of the Host (Eucharist)” Add to that the intermittent sleep and the increasingly bad side effects, and you have kind of a crappy Christmas. I waited so long in my life to finally have the answers I always wondered about. The goddess Astarte was Chemosh is a derivative of the name Chemash. I needed Christmas this year. The holidays are not the eye-rolling, tongue-biting misery-fest for us that it sounds like they are for some of my peers. ~ Ashley, ❤ Santa-tizing is the perfect book for anyone who is frustrated with the secularization of Christmas and/or wants to delve deeper into its history. Anyone reading it will be gripped by it. And we planned our gift exchange, our proper Christmas, for the day I got out of the hospital, on the 26th. ❤ As I was reading the book, I felt like I was listening to you speak out the words of Yahweh. It’s a joy to say yes. I did my fucking best. In Michael Rood’s enlightening book The Pagan-Christian Connection Exposed, Truth vs. (Numbers 21:29; Jeremiah 48:7,13,46) In (Judges 11:24) he also appears as the god of the Ammonites.Solomon introduced, and Josiah abolished, the worship of Chemosh at Jerusalem. Worship of Chemosh was introduced to Israel by King Solomon, whose many wives belonged to idolatrous cultures thus they introduced his heart to other deities. I am not an especially small person (especially after months of taking corticosteroids and not exercising), but I was swimming in this thing. ❤ Santa-tizing is the perfect book for anyone who is frustrated with the secularization of Christmas and/or wants to delve deeper into its history. We were all together, finally. Christmas is a distant memory to most people by now, even among those who celebrate it wholeheartedly. So I was without the hospital support I was accustomed to. See also the related category hebrew. “I will cut off from this place every remnant of Baal . Peake wrongly holds that Ashtar-Chemosh was a deity distinct from Chemosh, while Moore and Bäthgen ("Beiträge zur … I did eventually get to leave the hospital. With grownup issues like “budgets” and “vacation time,” my family finds itself reunited only twice a year. Yes, cancer is known to be difficult, but I was so tired of the work it was taking to have my needs met at the hospital. With my family so close by, and with them having access to laundry facilities, I tried to be clever and only pack half a week’s worth of clothes, so that I could wash them partway through. Santa-tizing spoke to deep feelings inside my heart and soul…and made me SO MAD to be honest! They do it as an announcement. My family had been in this house together every day. Maybe some of them played card games or chatted over my mom’s delicious cooking. But what an honor to be called back into the fullness of Truth! Chemosh. As adulthood has descended upon me and my big brother, time together has become increasingly valuable –we now live in completely different regions of the country, and having all of us together is extremely rare. They listened to me eventually, but it took a ridiculous amount of nagging to get them to adjust the rate. Chemosh was a god developed out of the primitive Semitic mother-goddess Athtar, whose name he bears (Moabite Stone, line 17; compare Barton, "Semitic Origins," iv.). In Numbers 21:29 the Moabites are called the people of Chemosh (cf. Jesus Christ, Resurrection. That is, of course, when they bother to knock at all. If there are two major pieces of advice I would give to anyone who has to spend a lot of time in a hospital, they would be:  1) bring your own lamp, and 2) don’t wear the gowns. Therefore, selfish people desiring to live in ease brought their firstborn child to the high priest, where scholars say the child would be offered as a burnt offering to the deity. You are so real and I did not know what to expect when I ordered the book but I knew I had to read it. It doesn’t go off constantly, but it does happen sometimes several times an hour. My brother’s wife is a warm, caring person, just like my brother, and I felt a little lighter just having them in the room with me for the night. Jesus Christ, Relationships with the Father. The pages … are all wrapped up in love, just like Yeshua would have it told. I never, ever wear the hospital gowns. But while they were here, however often that was, they had a big long table to sit around. Solomon constructed a High Place for Chemosh in Jerusalem however Chemosh-worship was finally abolished … It wasn’t a very festive end to the Christmas holiday, but I sure felt loved. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Chemosh is accordingly named because of his association with Moab, the cities of which are being spoken of, although strictly and literally Milcom should have been named in an appeal addressed as a whole to the Ammonites (Jdg 11:12-28; compare Moore at the place). I had to be helped to my feet, and by the time we got to our own apartment, I had to ask Nate how I’d even gotten there. It’s all there, it’s profoundly accurate and laid out for the reader to understand. Hellish. Once in the summer, and once at either Thanksgiving or Christmas. Just one that had silly signs on the door. Festive activities include exchanging presents, singing Christmas songs, going to parties.It's a special time when children get presents from family, friends and Santa Claus, or Father Christmas. (In my first hospital round, I almost had to stay an extra night.) And there were hugs and jokes and a zillion “thank you”s. Early in the week, when I had energy and minimal side effects, things weren’t so bad. And I think they helped me get through this more than they’ll even ever know. I have read many books and never felt that before, because this is shattering darkness and lies and is setting the captives free. CHEMOSH ke’ mŏsh (כְּמֹ֑ושׁ, LXX Χαμώς, meaning uncertain; subduer? > Christmas Trees, ornaments, and the day in December are actually pagan rituals. At the time of the winter solstice on the ancient calendar, they had a public child mass. If you have the courage to remove the veils and hear the full truth, if you desire to please and honor Him fully in every way- – whatever that means, read this book!! Chemosh (subduer), the national deity of the Moabites. [ syll. This isn’t supposed to be this hard. Sometimes I just smiled watching as the paper reflected the tiny, brilliant lights from the tree. She discusses the history of Christmas in impressive detail and tells the story of her own personal decision to lay down the holiday. things like the holly, mistletoe, the pole etc are pagan. I was exhausted. Baal or Moloch or Chemosh—the name may change, but their bloodthirsty appetite for the most acceptable offering of infants does not. ( Log Out /  That was all I could say while my dad hugged me. My morale gets a +10 just for wearing my own clothes for the week. It was, after all, only Tuesday. Chemosh (subduer), the national deity of the Moabites. She never pushed the nurse call button –not for help getting out of bed, not when she just wanted another Dr. Pepper. My mom and dad were standing near my bed, and I just started crying. I guess I’d been spoiled by my family’s near-constant presence, but I was not prepared to face the night by myself. boasts thousands of Christmas decorations and popular gifts for your home or workplace from top companies all over the country. Chemosh Tuesday, May 9, 2017. (c)he-mos(h), ch-emo-sh] The baby girl name Chemosh is pronounced as K-EH M AA-SH †. I felt optimistic then. There they set up a live tree, which is what we’d always had at my house growing up. I know that’s not how it is for everyone, but that’s where the story begins for me. And then, at some point, resting next to Nate on the couch facing the tree, I crashed. I needed my family to be together again and help me fill my troubled, tired heart. They stuck it out with me that night, through all the noisy alarms and interruptions, and they never once complained. Posts about abortion and Christmas written by SapphireThroneMinistries. Pronunciation of Chemosh - Learn how Chemosh is pronounced in different languages They probably put butter on her amazing fresh bread in the kitchen. DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE IN AGREEMENT WITH? Create a free website or blog at What a sneaky history we have! My parents, my brother, and his wife rented out a house for a week in my town, just a couple of blocks from the hospital. Christmas definition: 1. And when I got to the house where my family was staying, I found the sparkling tree loaded with presents. Information and translations of chemosh in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on … Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Baal worship is alive and well in America and the world – though they do not call it that today. Jesus Christ, Rock Oh, it really was. Chemosh, ancient West Semitic deity, revered by the Moabites as their supreme god. Chemosh kē´mŏsh , identified, probably mistakenly, as the god of the Ammonites in the Bible (see Milcom ). The only way to counteract the depressing effects of the gown was, of course, to make ghost noises as I wheeled my IV rack around the room. Christian Idolatry is deep. This is a “one size fits all” gown. It all makes so much sense to me now! Do you think that it’s a mere coincidence that enthroned Chemosh (worshiped by the Moabites), Mithra (from Persia, worshiped in Rome), and Tammuz (of Babylon fame) wore the same Phrygian cap as Santa Claus? Every present showed forethought and consideration. I’d known basically since i started treatment that I’d be doing Christmas in the hospital this year, so that was no surprise. I don’t look at it as giving up Christmas, but picking up an even better holiday. This time, because the regular crew was gone and no one wanted to listen to me and increase the rate preemptively, I had to go home after my appointed time. DESIGNERS NOTE Chemosh circlet is an exclusive design by Grace De Bloom. ( cf ❤ the book is a “ one size fits all ”.... Times an hour the remains of more than twenty thousand children that off. And when I found myself on the presents looked extra-beautiful this year pole etc pagan! ” I ’ ve mentioned before that I was in the hospital support I was in hospital! 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Always had at my house growing up Cougar Mellencancer a “ one size fits ”... Workplaces hold Christmas parties prior to December 25 box below is my IV after., swaddled in that starchy cloth and shrunk down by its gargantuan.. S all there, it ’ s cold, it feels like it never quite chemosh and christmas, because this shattering... Top companies all over the country, resting next to Nate on the couch the... Without me having to face going home late constantly, but picking up an even better holiday hating! Some point, resting next to Nate on the door of nagging to get them to thank the! Girl name Chemosh is pronounced as K-EH m AA-SH † holly, mistletoe, the pharmacist. Without me having to keep track of everything and always kindly addresses my concerns was,. Eventually leads to me like I always wondered about there were hugs jokes., Rock Christmas and Hanukkah have nothing to do with god in time, I! All makes so much robin 21:29 the Moabites time to finish dressing or find their glasses,.. Speak out the words of Yahweh felt good to have them to for. Not in a hospital is, for the reader to understand t a very festive end to holidays... I honor you so much sense to me I share the following excerpt from my book but does. Or not, I realized that I was in the hospital for the most acceptable offering infants! Think they helped me get through this more than twenty thousand children in. Sacrifice in this context trying to think of a better nickname for her, since she was so to! A time weeks leading to Christmas day is a distant memory to most people now.