"Adopting Premises. Thanks for sharing from your heart and for being honest in your telling of your experience. Love ya, Sis. My mother died in 2003. Thanks to Chloe for reviving this! Stay that way for awhile...and if your travels ever bring you to Olympia, you sure as hell better visit your brother. People tend to miss the most important reason to adopt internationally: you are literally saving a life. When I'm older I'm going to adopt a child. There is one view that such applicants should not be excluded from consideration providing they can satisfy an agency that they can provide a home in which a child’s interest would be safeguarded and promoted. There were no secrets and that is the only way to raise an adopted child; openness and compassion are the keys to avoiding problems that are inherent in the very nature of the institution of adoption. ViriniaLynne, as you may surmise I love adoption and bless you for adopting children from China. Even though there are many couples who are unable to have children of their own, adoption is not the answer. This really inspire me. Thats why i think kids should be adopted. I am a 11 year old who was adopted and this statement has really inspired me from both sides and i cant wait to share it with my two adopted sisters. Sad facts about our foster children and the foster care system. What do you think about this? There are two answers to this question entirely because of how it's worded.1.If the parents are dead.Yes, this is a horrible thing to say, but in the age of guns and weaponry, people get killed, and then others can become fatally ill. I am so happy that you have adopted one of us. Do you love your spouse as much as your biological family? The chapter constitutes a debate between Professor Elizabeth Bartholet and … To be more specific, we are proposing that American citizens be banned from adopting children from any country other than the United States of America. In the severe case of parental death, than adoption should be entirely legal and right.2. Also, some people believe that their life is unfulfilled without a child. A man could not ask for better parents and I would not be the person I am today if it were not for the love and sacrifice of those two fine people. Some child will be quite lucky. I was lucky. I may not have been adopted, but there is a family at my church that has adopted and fostered multiple children and love each and everyone of them as their own. :). Thanks for answering my question with a Hub! I see no problem in adoption. It's the same thing as having a child you haven't adopted. Adoption is an easy way to get a child. You above all others have such a unique perspective on this subject, thank you for sharing it. Also I'm writing a paper about adoption and it really help me understands more and more about adoption. Here are some reasons why they don't and what they did not tell. I, personally would love to adopt, it's something I've wanted to do since I was a little girl. Why are we creating more generations that will eventually suffer in the future? Your act was out of love and concern for them. I wish you the best....any old time you need to "talk," drop me a line. As for my personal feelings on adoption. "Too many children in foster care are falling through cracks. But I feel such terrible sorrow for what I lost by not being with her. A debate on issues regarding the new ISO 45001:2018 standard adoption. International adoption first started being broadcast to the American public during the proxy wars of the 1950s Cold War. Sis, I can always count on your lurking in the HP shadows, keeping an eye on me. And Aurelio, that is exactly what my parents did and what I did with my son. Or why would I be bitter on how my birth parents left? Adoption can decrease the speed of the increasing population. I was adopted by loving parents who raised me with love and who continually supported me. Debate on adoption. Bill Holland (author) from Olympia, WA on February 02, 2014: greeneyedblondie, a high school Hubber....we don't see many of those here at HP. thank you for sharing with us As usual many Angels are headed your way bringing blessings and hugs and all ps. I know a family that adopted a small child from Central America. So well written and honest. You see, I truly am one of the lucky ones! It's important to treat your adopted child like the intelligent human being she is and give her the opportunity to own her truth. I want reasoning for saying no. January 24th, 2008. Jut before she got married my sister made the decision to contact him and meet him. There are many children here in the USA and I'm sure there are in other countries too just waiting for a family in their native country to adopt them. . The father was someone who had "aged out" in foster care and never been adopted. My birth parents loved me, and I know that.., but I'm glad they chose to let me have a more beneficial life with my current familily. Question: I gave my two children up for adoption fourteen years ago because I have bipolar/ schizoaffective disorder. Patricia Scott from North Central Florida on April 05, 2019: Well chosen words Bill Cautiously is the way to proceed I have friends who were adopted and who have adopted and thankfully the story has turned out well for both But as you say adoption is not something that should be entered into with out serious consideration. As a prospective foster parent, you should know that foster care case workers may not tell you everything they could. Why should we let children around the globe live without a family? Civilized societies do not discriminate on grounds of race, creed, gender or sexuality, yet the denial of equal rights to gay couples is clear discrimination. It was easier for a foreigner to adopt me than someone who lived in that country. Abortion is a safe medical procedure. Just a few decades ago, We were at around 4 billion and now we're almost 8 billion! Bill Holland (author) from Olympia, WA on April 04, 2017: Nathaniel, I'm so glad to hear that. Bill Holland (author) from Olympia, WA on January 05, 2015: Hopefully he will, Emily. I found myself at 1500 words with several points left to discuss. I consider the fact that there are reasons why some cannot conceive naturally. The adoption of children by LGBT people is an issue of active debate. I plan to adopt an older child in the next few years. (I also discussed it in a podcast. One would think since I have had nothing but positive results from adoption that I would be a complete flag-waving advocate for adoption but that simply is not the case. My son was lucky. Saletan. It is a wondrous institution that has saved millions of lives around the world and it is my fervent hope that millions more will be saved, nurtured and loved as my son and I were. I was her baby before anyone else, yet I cannot claim to be fully hers, ever I don't think. Also having children after a certain age increases such risks. You are committing to a lifetime of love and care and if you are not prepared to give the adopted child 100% … The deputy minister for children was urged to consider creating and independent adoption service on 16 January 2013. I'm glad that you and your sons have grown up beautifully, not many people get the luxury of getting along with their adopted child. I hope your summer has been a good one so far...as for this article, I'm always shocked when someone reads one of mine and is positively affected by it...it is a small world because of the internet, isn't it? As a rule, essays on adoption examine the two types of adoption, namely closed or confidential adoption and open adoption that has gained popularity since the early 1980s. It's pointless having to create more children if we can just adopt ones that are desperately wanting a home. And I'm freaking glad I wasn't adopted by someone in my country. Be a hero, take the time learn about adoption today. That depends on who you ask. If the parent(s) give the child up.In the case of the mother (usually) giving up the child, adoption is completely unnecessary. People should make a difference in their world. No, people should not adopt children. It is based on Nancy Verrier's work on adopted children and her explanation of the "the primal wound.". 16 January 2013 Last updated at 16:52 Help. I have to biological brothers they live with me. My father died in 1969 when I was twenty years old. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, 641,000 children lived in foster care in 2012. I believe there are some couples who do not have the right stuff to adopt just as I believe there are couples who should not be parents in any way, shape or form. "All Happy Families". So much good can come from it, but there are sad stories as well. I love what you have to say on this subject - it's your specialty. A meta-analysis concluded that adopted children do not have lower self-esteem. What race or sex are foster kids? With that cleared up, I want to say a few things about the debate over international adoption, which I wrote about in this week’s magazine. I choose to live in the moment & I'm sure there are reasons for that, but it doesn't eat me alive. Bill Holland (author) from Olympia, WA on January 10, 2013: rd, I'm glad it helped. Well done is what I think of it. Thank you and blessings always. Catherine Taylor from Canada on November 12, 2012: Oh bb, how is it that I am just coming to this hub now? Answer: I think you did the best thing you could, considering the circumstances. Rochelle Ann De Zoysa from Moratuwa, Sri Lanka on January 10, 2013: This is indeed helpful. I also would've been kicked out at 18 with very little education and no help. This article is about our journey with our adopted child and our experiences of a "primal wound." Many families who adopt from abroad do so because it is quicker and because they do not have to pass all the tests set by domestic adoption agencies (or, indeed because they have taken the tests but been found unsuitable). Older children who have been in foster homes come with their own baggage and the degree of psychological scars that they carry can be unsettling at best and a deal-breaker at worst. Human Rights Watch. The debate over transracial adoption has not changed greatly in the last two decades and mirrors a similar debate decades ago over adoptions that crossed religious lines. Adoption is also saving a child's life, because children will suffer if they don't have a parent, or guardian. What a great perspective to add to this conversation. August/September 2005 "Europe: Gay Adoption Ruling Advances Family Equality". Statistics show that very few women who give birth choose to give up their babies; less than 3% of white unmarried women and less than 2% of black unmarried women. It's doing the right thing, and everybody should do the right thing. My current parents love me more thanyou can imagine. 100+ Debate Topics to Choose From. She now lives with her sister instead of adoptive parents, and has lost the feeling of being raised by two blood parents. i have to do a debate and i am supposed to be the "negative" and against gay adoption truthfully..i am for gay adoption but i still have to go against it..so i was wondering if you guys could help me with some cons on gay adoption. Should you adopt? Bill Holland (author) from Olympia, WA on March 06, 2012: Darn it Cyndi, I thought alcoholism was my specialty??? My (step)sister entered our family at about 4 years old. The Debates on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution in the Convention held at Philadelphia in 1787, with a Diary of the Debates of the Congress of the Confederation as reported by James Madison, revised and newly arranged by Jonathan Elliot. Peggy Woods from Houston, Texas on April 18, 2020: You are indeed lucky, and so is your son. The abstract describes the debate as follows: This chapter is taken from a forthcoming book on Intercountry Adoption, edited by Judith L. Gibbons and Karen Smith Robati and forthcoming in June of 2012. To give love to a human being that is not biologically related to you and to sacrifice everything for the safety and well-being of that child is one of the finest forms of humanness I can think of. This article is about the benefit of "the wait" and what you can do while you wait.. This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. For this debate I say it means all accepted couples are legally required to adopt at least one child and will be fined, say 50, after being together 25 years if they do not comply without adequate reason (not legal or no children to adopt). Not a damn thing! A full state-by-state list plus more. Bill Holland (author) from Olympia, WA on March 07, 2012: Teaches, I know of no other way. Bless you for considering adoption and I wish you the best as you take that big step in life. Virginia Kearney from United States on March 07, 2012: Terrific Hub--you really cover a lot of ground and make some very good observations from the perspective of adoptive parent and adoptee. Question: When I am an adult, I was thinking of adopting. I could not respond to your Question, bill bro, for obvious reasons. My son will tell anyone who listens that the person he respects most in this world is his father, and he has told me on numerous occasions that he would not be who he is if it were not for my love. danajconnelly from Family and Parenting on March 07, 2012: "I've got game..." Awesome. That may not seem important while inhaling the wonderful thoughts of parenthood but it is a very real factor that needs to be addressed. :) Thank you my dear; it means a lot to me when you visit and comment. They need parents just like any of us do. When I was thirty-six my wife and I adopted a baby boy, three days of age, and that child is now a healthy, intelligent and loving man of twenty-seven. and my teacher likes "scientifically proven things" if you have any websites that'd be great too ~thanks Many would-be parents opt for adopting an older child and I would love to say that this always works out but that would be a lie. The abortion debate is the ongoing controversy surrounding the moral, legal, and religious status of induced abortion. I don't own the rights to the Foxpart of this video. Bill Holland (author) from Olympia, WA on June 21, 2018: Contented is nice as hell, Sis! It's so sad, Some of them need parents but sometime's they could not afford kids.Some of them are very busy that they have no time for kids.Some of them are too lazy for kids or no responsibility to take care of kids.They can also be troublemakers or naughty or sometimes can be ghosts possessing tham. We were both told about our adoptions in the most loving of ways and it did not adversely affect either of us. The mothers who have children "stolen" from them by a broken system and the system collects funds to benefit and profit from children being adopted, even in the cases of the one parent doesn't deserve the enormous pain of having their child taken. I have helped raise 3 cousins and love them unconditionaly. I posted this in another debate, and there was some confusion. She asked him to the wedding. In many cases, It is impossible or it's just a bad choice. I enjoyed reading your hub, it was very organized with lots of information. Even with 52,000 adoptions in 2012, 102,000 were still legally ready for adoption with no parental rights' strings attached. Adoption is not an alternative to abortion because it remains the woman's choice whether or not to give her child up for adoption. She did it very gracefully. I do not claim to be an adoption expert but I do claim to have a certain perspective regarding this topic and it is that perspective I will give you now. Thanks for sharing that with me. . My half-brother and I were adopted last year and i was 14 years old. In other words, to borrow an oft-used phrase, I have game with regards to adoption. We should be more aware of our population and how rapidly it is increasing. I fully support oversea adoptions. I'm proud that I'm adopted when I was a baby. For those of you who can consider all of the pitfalls that may occur and still say truthfully that you are willing, eager and committed then I say to you there is no finer thing you could do in life than to adopt a child. I teach college age students and find that many of them are very interested in considering adoption as part of their way to create a family. Bring up adoption and you’re bound to draw out differing opinions on a variety of topics surrounding adoption as well as the very act itself. Here are some reasons you should consider being a foster parent of a teen foster child. One additional thing people need to condier is how to handle it if and when the child wants to find their birth parents. That would be the crowning glory of my writing career. Yes I want to visit my home country once it becomes safe and stable again. Are you prepared for the fallout that will come as this child tries to reconcile a life in a foreign land so far from his/her native land and biological family? As for the rest, it's mine. I like how you remained informative without proselytizing. Many parents wonder if, when, and how to tell their child they were adopted, which are commonly asked questions in adoption communities. There will always be serious considerations concerning parenting in general but with adoption one is making the commitment to love a child that is not biologically yours. I hope you are right and my stories do reach others and help them. Thank you for sharing your experience with us all, and best wishes to you in the future. Bill Holland (author) from Olympia, WA on December 01, 2014: Thank you, Jo, for the kind words and for sharing your opinions and thoughts. It has taken me many years to be able to respond to this beautifully written hub on adoption. Our experience with international adoption was extremely positive. Gibberish of course! When children become teenagers, many of them become high maintenance and hard to handle. "Bruce Willis. Voting this Up and Useful. Couples who are maybe not able to have children, Or just want to adopt a child can! Some children handle that information well; some are affected their entire life by the knowledge that the people they believed were their biological parents are not while their real biological parents did not choose to keep them for whatever reason. Waiting is hard. She let our dad know that she will always consider him to be her dad. I am, myself, adopted and it was difficult for me to 'adopt' my parents but I'm grateful that they have taken me under their wings. If this hub helps one person then it was well-worth writing it. We NEED to adopt! Slate.com. I was adopted in 2011, I was abused almost killed! Transracial adoption as a phenomenon has a short, volatile history in North America. You have listed some suggestions that will help parents with interest to make an informed decision. Or if their being abused in the household then they should also be adopted because of that. Thank you for your kind words; if this hub helps any adopted child, or parent, then it was well-worth writing. The proposition for this debate is that international adoption should be banned. In many cases, an adoption will also be beneficial for the birthparents, but, mostly it is going to change your life completely in a very positive way. Thanks for touching up on that. I'd never have thought of it at that age and had only negative views of adoption from various ones I had observed. Cynthia Calhoun from Western NC on March 06, 2012: Great information here. V. Supplement to Elliot’s Debates (Philadelphia, 1836). Below you will find links to sites that list dozens of books for kids, adults, families, and classrooms. Complete in One Volume. You bring up many points that are very important to consider.If I ever decide to be a parent, I will be adopting. This was a great article. Recently international adoption has become noticeably popular. Welcome and thank you for commenting....we need more active members in this community of writers. People can still love the children they adopt. The debate on outcomes of adoption. Jeffrey A. Tucker. This can cause as much mental trauma as losing their parents by death, as giving up a kid might convince it that it isn't loved enough to be raised by their proper families. Would I change anything if I could do it all over again? Thank you! Coming up with a current and interesting debate topic can be tricky. I see no problem in this aspect of adoption. For some, adoption means family, love, and a chance at a full life. These are but a few of the considerations that need to be considered before adopting and please, if there is an inkling of doubt, do not adopt. The sneaky debate over legalizing adoptions by gay couples." Bill Holland (author) from Olympia, WA on December 09, 2014: K, I'm very happy to hear you were adopted by a loving family. The older the child the more problems you are apt to have. International adoption first started following the end of World War 2 and the start of the early Cold War. There are all sorts of things you have to consider when picking a subject: whether you'll be able to talk for long enough about it, how excited you feel about it, how easy it will be to research, what your English teacher will think of it, and much more. If everyone adopted children this world could be more happy. Bill Holland (author) from Olympia, WA on April 07, 2019: Thank you PS! Her biological father, and his daughter, attended the wedding. Foster parenting to adopt is possible, but a very long and extensive laborious process. Are you intimately familiar with the child’s native culture? You are committing to a lifetime of love and care and if you are not prepared to give the adopted child 100% effort, despite whatever problems may arise, then do not adopt. We have had a very good experience but know that it will be a lifelong process of helping our girls grieve and understand their grief. That way, there's no need to have a big revelation when he is older. In an adoption process, the child receives a loving and caring home, which is a highly important in order to have a healthy childhood. Should you adopt if you already have children? Another problem that adoption can address is our increasing population. I mean- Why would I think about how bad my life could've been if I weren't adopted ? Yea there are so many kids with no parents we need to stand up and do the right thing now. This sets the stage for further alienation and strained emotions. I'm really not a fan for overseas adoption either. Feelings of distrust, resentment and abandonment, to name just three, are quite common and may require years of healing. Take in mind, This woman could only be 13! I was the only girl so my biological mother decided to abuse me because my gender was different, I get pain in my legs and my pelvis my head hurts and I have flashbacks but lives getting better. Bill Holland (author) from Olympia, WA on November 12, 2012: Thunder my friend, if you raise a child with love then you have no worries about how they feel about you. To slap a label on adoption and automatically label it a sure thing for all would be to certainly harm many adopted children and my number one concern will always be the children. Voted up. While adopting an older child is a hard, draining thing to do it comes with a great reward when the child grows up. There are many reasons why orphans are orphans and the reasons why they are orphans happen due to multiple things. Thank you for this. I hope you get your chance. It was heartwrenching to see it. I only hope that my adopted children feel the same about me that you and your son feel. I regret having not fought the state to this day. FOR Gay Adoption: AGAINST Gay Adoption: 1 – EQUAL RIGHTS MEANS JUST THAT. :) Thank you! Stellar hub! I'm "collecting" a bucketful of ideas, topics and/or somewhat unique information in my travels, for that as yet undetermined day I make friends with my muse once again. Episode 16: Parenthood. Exellent hub. What is the debate concerning international child adoption? It is a few weeks since Julie and Robert met the children Regarding foreign children and older adotions, you are right to urge caution. Gay and heterosexual couples deserve the same legal rights to adopt. . No to Adoption. I missed my mummy all my life and when I traced her last year, aged 44, I felt complete for the first time in my life. to Bev. It is wrong to say that an orphan only belongs to its biological parents. I was on hand with them when they took their last breaths and for that I am grateful because during their lifetimes they dedicated every breath to me, their adopted son. These are but a few of the considerations that need to be considered before adopting and please, if there is an inkling of doubt, do not adopt. By giving up a child for adoption, you are cutting a potentially beautiful bond between blood parent and blood child. I have wished my entire adult hood that someone would have adopted me, that I would have had a family to lean on when I divorced, and a mother there when my babies were born. Thank you for the kind words, and blessings to you always. How much do foster parents really get paid? It all turned our all right, me thinks. By using this site, you agree to our Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use. It is a lifelong commitment that should not be taken lightly. Adoption benefits the well being of a child too. If my hub helped in any way then I am happy and grateful. But my wonderful family is here and will always be here for me. Thank you. Why anybody could say, no, im confused. HEY! My mother, aged 19, had no resources or support so felt she had no choice but to give me away, but if I had been cared for temporarily, until she was in a position to take care of me herself, I would have been able to live the life I should have had, instead of being taken away from her. Parents with adopted children might not realize this behavior is a rite of passage for teens, and be more apt to blame it on their adopted child’s biological parents. The information here is priceless coming from "you," especially, as a man who can not only explain the options, reasons and results, but speak from your heart on the big picture. He had horrible separation anxiety. These days, when I make my few, brief visits per week, I am faithful to my special list of HubPals...& thereafter, where ever I'm directed. In some cases this is not possible, in others it is. Thank you! An Illinois couple have sued an adoption agency here, charging that it withheld the psychiatric history of their adopted son's natural parents. I am fully aware that there are many success stories regarding these types of adoptions but I am also painfully aware of living nightmares that have happened. It is a slippery slope, that adoption thing. Hopefully he'll come around someday. We were both raised with an abundance of love. Someone has to keep an eye on you. I still am not sure what happened between us (muse & I)...but I'm not stressing about it. This often leaves them unprepared for … Overpopulation poses many great risks which we really need to avoid! No need to pass on these genes. Thank you for sharing your experiences and I hope one day, if it what you want, that you do adopt. In fact, I'm feeling pretty contented. The depth of … For the purposes of this debate, the proposition will take on the role of the federal government of the USA. Thank you so much! It is not possible for families to feel the same bond with an adopted child as they would if the child were their own. Ive been working on a hub related to this but find too many of my personal views creeping in. This is not a decision to be taken lightly and may the gods bless anyone willing to adopt an older child and work through the emotional problems that are inherent in this process. Great hub :) Voted up and awesome! These books cover adoption and Chinese culture for moms, dads, kids, tweens, and teens. Virginia Kearney from United States on March 26, 2012: Peebles--I know a family that adopted from China. You have the child, you raise the child. I am wired in such a way that allows me to love a child no matter his or her origin but please do not assume all adults are wired that way. The reality is, I've been looking for someone to adopt me! And our dad walked her down the asile. This has been in response to a question I was asked: "What are the reasons you would or would not adopt" I hope I have given you something to think about. As a previous teen foster child I have some insight into what we can do to help. Allow me to give you a little background so you won’t think I’m just whistling in the dark without any qualifications to speak of. Bill Holland (author) from Olympia, WA on February 26, 2020: I'm happy to hear that, Lakiya! :). Even though there are many couples who are unable to have children of their own, adoption is not the answer. This could come from the desire to help a child feel loved. I'm sure I would have been a handful at the start but I know I would have been the most grateful adult ever. Bill Holland (author) from Olympia, WA on March 26, 2012: Virginia, I agree completely and thank you for the addition and perspective. Bill Holland (author) from Olympia, WA on April 19, 2020: Thank you Peggy! It is the only approach that will work; springing it on a child when they are pre-teen or teenage is destined for trouble. Fri 10 Nov 2017 "You want them to like you." Those are success stories of the highest order with regards to adoption. In English-speaking countries, the sides involved in the debate are the self-described "pro-choice" and "pro-life" movements. In this thoughtful book, sociologist Katarina Wegar offers a new perspective on adoption and the search debate, placing them within a social context. Firstly, adoptive parents attracted to international adoption because of ethnic diversity, availability of foreign children, eligibility as adoptive parents, permanence and irreversibility of the adoption. We need more people like you. She went on to have 2 more children and I am so envious that they had a relationship with her that I can never have, even though I should have done. End of World War 2 and debate on adoption reasons why some can not to! 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Choose to live in the HP shadows, keeping an eye on me ;... Really help me understands more and more about adoption. 18,:...... '' Awesome that adoption can address is our increasing population several points left to discuss claim... Also, some people believe that their life is unfulfilled without a family potential. Important to consider.If I ever decide to be fully hers, ever I do think... Another person, with no expectations of what that person can give in return not sure happened... Is only connected to you through vows of marriage abundance of love and who supported..., she has the right thing now end of World War 2 and the different approaches foster! 'S work on adopted children this World could be more happy Verrier 's work on children. Usual many Angels are headed your way bringing blessings and hugs and all PS desperately wanting a.! Older adotions, you should consider being a foster parent of a `` primal wound. South Carolina on 07! Means just that my dear ; it means a lot to me when you visit comment! With the potential for dire results to like you. debate is international... Same bond with an abundance of love and who continually supported me other way in.! In 2011, I will be adopting chooses to not raise the child for adoption, the sides involved the... Nancy Verrier 's work on adopted children do not have lower self-esteem 's. Did and what you want to visit my home country once it becomes and. Thing now chooses to not raise the child for adoption with no expectations of what that can! 2017 `` you want them to like you. adopted with us as usual many are! It comes with a great addition to my hub and thank you!. Only hope that my adopted children do not have lower self-esteem and who continually supported me a time. Effects has been hotly contested, most people likely see the issue as prospective. For the purposes of this video damaging with the child, or guardian Gay and heterosexual deserve...