Just opening a door for someone, a smile, a hello to others is more important than you will ever know. I don’t know how the Church interprets this text, but what then does it mean when Christ says, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?”(Mat 27:46), if not that he was forsaken by the Father at one point in time (i.e. Thank you very much for your appreciation. Sufferings and trials in this life are evidence that God our Father loves us, and is working in us to prepare us for Heaven, and the rewards to be received in the life to come. As a matter of fact, many atheists understand very well the impossibility of proving a universal negative—Russell’s celestial teapot argument. “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” is the opening verse of Psalm 22. So important is this aspect of the flesh (its ability to suffer), that Tertullian proclaims caro cardo salutis, that salvation hinges on the flesh. There is, too, a very great difference in the purpose served both by those events which we call adverse and those called prosperous. I had to let some of it go and I felt that it was at that time a good decision and it was. There is no point to suffering, because Christ has already suffered for us. You’re in my prayers. I will consider the books you suggested but I am also disappointed that I have not heard a respectful comment about my input. How did the loss of immortality result from sin? [, “For thou art just in all that thou hast done to us, and all thy works are true and thy ways right, and all thy judgments are truth. The Problem of Evil (Aquinas 101) – Fr. Rom. But the sort of meaning I am speaking about in the article is meaning in the sense of an ultimate teleology, a role in a transcendent narrative of the whole cosmos, a narrative that extends beyond our death, and in which our choices make an ultimate difference in what we and others become and enjoy, rather than a philosophy in which our choices ultimately make no difference. The idea of young children accepting God’s offer of suffering, and even asking for suffering for the benefit of others strikes me as very creepy, yet when I read and pray about such saints I find that there is incredible depth and peace there. My suffering is not that of Christ’s salvific suffering for the world (I am not God, obviously! As for any negative tone I may have had, please forgive me. Things I do or fail to do can affect my life. You’ve faced so much. Here’s a video recording of the talk: CEO August 2016 from Blue Sky Productions on Vimeo. When a Catholic goes into a Protestant church, he will often notice a cross or crosses, but usually without a corpus. I have very much enjoyed your thoughts (and all that I have seen so far on CTC) I am wondering, completely off this post’s topic (sorry) if there is any plan to post on the praying to saints. I understand what you are going through and how you are feeling. Tertullian, There is always good in suffering. The other gods were strong; but Thou wast weak; It will be an excellent complement to Salvifici Doloris, which I’m already familiar with. Pray for me:) Again, thank you for telling some of your experience.Christianity is not just about what you know but also how you live. If you have a tiny speck of faith….YOU have faith. Of course, I have the utmost compassion for Bryan. The Catechism teaches: “Faith in God the Father Almighty can be put to the test by the experience of evil and suffering.24 We see this in the example of Job. If God is all powerful, and truly seeks our good, then why does He allow all the suffering we experience in this life? The third option: Christ, being God, stayed away on purpose, because He had a higher purpose, did not enter her mind. Remember also that St. Dymphna is the patroness of mental illness and will intercede for you; there is a shrine to her in Ohio. (4) To give us an opportunity to love God, to give God glory, to merit glory, and to participate in His work of redemption. In Jesus’ time, learned men just need to quote the opening line and those around him would know the scripture passage he was quoting from and the corresponding meaning. For, stirred up with the same movement, mud exhales a horrible stench, and ointment emits a fragrant odor. Much of contemporary theology, he acknowledges, has shifted from questions of individual meaning (like those his mentor, Paul Tillich, posed) to problems of the … “What is the Meaning of Suffering?” by Prof. Eleonore Stump, given at University College Dublin October 8, 2019. Some suffering is the result of the actions of other people, but much suffering is simply gratuitous, pointless, and outside the bounds of human control. from :redux on Vimeo. I found some of these ideas fell flat in the room of a suffering person and my peers who relied on them seemed less able to listen to a person’s suffering, rather than moreso. There is no explanation. But God has graciously allowed us to participate in Christ’s work of redeeming the world, the greatest of all God’s works. I do not ever want to experience that again, yet I do each time I am not docile to God’s ways. There does not need to be any negative evidence to disprove God’s existence for atheism; the lack of positive evidence for God’s existence is a sufficient basis for atheism. Accepted. It’s very very hard for me to hold onto the love of God, when I look at the evil in this world and so I seem to let those facts indicate to me what I will face when I leave this earth. St. Paul knew all about the goodness of it. Secondly, the article suggests that atheists believe the presence of suffering proves God does not exist. Men gnawed their tongues in agony and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, but they refused to repent of what they had done. He has given them a great gift, in allowing them to participate in this glorious way, in His work of redemption. I am unspeakably grateful for that fact. eternal separation from God. For these masters of Catholic theology who never tired of repeating that the ideal of asceticism upheld by them was the ideal of the Catholic past, of the Fathers, of Christ Himself, emphatically state that bodily asceticism has not By definition, no such meaning would be possible if atheism were true. No, Christ’s work was sufficient for its purpose. Thank you for your explanation and the link to the lecture. From a Christian point of view, the finger that the atheist points at God, blaming Him for all the suffering we experience, or using our suffering as an argument against God’s existence, is man blaming God, for what man freely did in disobedience to God.15. Professor Feingold gave an excellent lecture last week on the suffering of Christ in the Passion. Jesus is teaching the people that in response to the deaths of the victims of Pilate and the falling tower in Siloam, the proper response is not to consider such persons to be more guilty than those who survived, but rather to consider that it was only by God’s mercy that we were not among them, so that we may repent, and pursue righteousness, before our approaching death. If, when the doors are shut, Thou drawest near, Why does God require a sacrifice? If God the father could nail his son to the cross, what does that say about our suffering. (Matthew 5:29-30), Then the LORD God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil; and now, he might stretch out his hand, and take also from the tree of life, and eat, and live forever. You cannot find an occasion of boasting even in supposing that you are the inventor of a new kind of wickedness, for your heresy long ago broke out against the Church. You are giving God glory and to his kingdom, also, your suffering is so good for your salvation and eternal life. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us. However, as a witness to others’ suffering, or plumbing the real reasons for it, I go with you, GNW, I can be with the mystery. Thanks for sharing this reflection “God in the Dock: Tragedy and Trilemma”. Let Go, Let God. The theology of glory finds only despair in suffering, for suffering brings the weakness and helplessness of man to the surface and strips away all illusions of power. I, 12, 7,8]: even as the knowledge of a principle does not involve the knowledge of all that follows from that principle unless the whole virtue of the principle be comprehended. I did not have that option as a Protestant. The Catholic teaching on Suffering and Offering It Up has some parallels in the Hindu tradition. … My guess is no one can give you an answer “on paper”. Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory. They knew Jesus was the son of God, but yet they were always questioning him and I remember reading in one of the Gospels (I forgot which one) Jesus said something like this, after all you have seen and after all I have told you and you still don’t get it. Those who succumb to suffering must have had inadequate faith. How could I, with good reason, (and not just by divine stipulation) truly be thankful to God for it? All of them suffered, but all of them were embraced by God with compassion and love, which is at the heart of our faith. Suffering, likewise, can be a boundary experience that opens man, through his vulnerability, to recognizing his need for communion with God and neighbor. Thus each man, in his suffering, can also become a sharer in the redemptive suffering of Christ.53. “And when a child has been born to one of them, they give thanks to God; and if moreover it happen to die in childhood, they give thanks to God the more, as for one who has passed through the world without sins.”, Source: The Apology of Aristides the Philosopher. I think perhaps the biggest concern I have with the characterization of atheism in the article is that it portrays it as something that it isn’t. Responses to Suffering As this article is entitled, “A Pastoral Theology of Suffering,” I wish to suggest how Christians – specifically, Christians who hold to an inerrant view of Scripture and a compatibilist understanding ofrespond While the world frequently misrepresents almost everything Christians believe, they seem to instinctively understand that we have a certain understanding about the nature of suffering. Barron’s “Stephen Fry, Job, and the Cross of Jesus.”, The heaven, even the heavens, are the LORD’S, but the earth hath he given to the children of men. )– but mine can be united with His, mysteriously. If I can’t find a way to make sense of suffering in the world – why it exists and how I am supposed to deal with it and what purpose it serves (I am using “make sense” loosely – meaning accomodate as opposed to understanding in a rational sense) then my whole concept of God and Creation requires shuffling. I choose to believe in a loving God. (“My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?”) I could type out an answer, but I think you would get a much better answer listening to the lecture. In suffering voluntarily and innocently, Christ gives the answer to the question about suffering and its meaning. vilbert I was a Protestant, happily, for years. With respect to suffering and evil, Christianity turns the atheistic position on its head. St. Gregory the Great, commenting on the book of Job, writes that God’s providential ways, though difficult to understand, are, still more mysterious when things go well with good people here, and ill with bad people . Your intentions are from your heart. These are just food for thought. Tertullian finds solace in suffering in that through suffering, the flesh follows the path Christ trod. What is God doing? As long as he remained in the divine intimacy, man would not have to suffer or die.8 The inner harmony of the human person, the harmony between man and woman, and finally the harmony between the first couple and all creation, comprised the state called “original justice.”9. When I come across a suffering child, the only prayer that comes to mind is the “why” prayer. That suffering is the greatest gift or grace from God.It is the highest of grace. I am trying to look at each of these many conflicting interpretations and doctrines as objectively as possible. For Christians, by contrast, the Creator of all things is a perfectly good, perfectly just,14 and perfectly loving Father. Does that mean that Christ’s work was insufficient? Bryan, thank you for sharing these thoughts, my brother in Christ. . It’s not in our nature to run from it. Some of us, hear the words but do not listen, some believe and listen but after while can no longer handle the suffering and give up. I don’t worry about it at all. Yes, the Pentecostals in my group were adversaries, as in “opponents in a conflict” about the verasity of my faith against theirs,( which I could have cared less about engaging as it is not the subject of CPE ) but I would not be willing to call them or their faith ignorant. For me, I believe I must have stumbled onto a great reservoir of graces for myself, my family and any others I offer up my suffering for. His suffering was greater than any person has ever experienced, because in solidarity with us He took on Himself the sins of the whole world, and grieved in contrition on our behalf over the evil of each sin ever committed, and its offensiveness to God. I didn’t want to be thrown in with the chaff heap or numbered among the goats. But because of the body-soul relation, both ontological and eschatological, to draw near to his body is to draw near to the saint. Fr. When people consider the Roman Catholic Church, they tend to think of the authority of the pope, the veneration of Mary, the celebration of the Mass, the Eucharist and the other sacraments, and the like. They were told in such a way as to venerate the saint and provide inspiration to the faithful. And what is the reason for the difference? The explanation lies in the nature and purpose of the stories of the martyrs, as with most of the stories of the saints. Howard Kainz. Rereading it tonight, i realized there is something that i do not fully understand and i was hoping you could graciously take some time to help me through it. We believe in an all-loving, all-power God. Dominic Legge, O.P. In her mind, Lazarus died because of Christ’s absence, since if Christ had been present, Christ would have done what Martha thought should be done. We must state this clearly. This is the understanding i have carried with me the past several months…that suffering and death did in fact exist before original sin. That’s the sense in which He assumed them. Sorry about your loss. I will take you up on many of them, especially the “old school” stuff like Interior Castle because that’s my favorite stuff. (Update: I have discussed this in more detail in “Heroes of the New Covenant.”). Modern man knows something is wrong, even if he can’t say what. Test yourselves.”57, By offering our sufferings up to God: “Is anyone among you suffering? As a matter of fact, many atheists can and do see meaning in suffering. God does permit people to experience physical infirmity as a means of spiritual strengthening (2 Corinthians 12:7-10), and he also chastises every son whom he receives (Hebrews 12:5-8). “I tell you, no, but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish. Blessing to everyone for a wonderful Thanksgiving! Bryan, Until now, I had entirely missed references to the death of Joshua. Are their prayers more effective than the living? Because I gave it to God a while ago and said I can’t handle this. Collosians 1:24-29. In my claim about suffering in relation to atheism, I’m not speaking of what self-described atheists might say about suffering. God’s plan for him was not to remain in the garden of Eden forever, but was for him to eventually die and be raised up to heaven and participate in the Beatific Vision just as we all are. The victims of a small plane crash? When the Christian suffers, their external suffering reveals the invisible truth behind that suffering:  they place the original communion we were all called to have with God over everything in this world. The monergistic idea is that since Christ suffered for us, therefore we do not need to suffer. Fr. This was especially true to continually encourage the faithful. Thanks again for asking. Wherefore, since the souls of the saints do not comprehend the Divine essence, it does not follow that they know all that can be known by the Divine essence–for which reason the lower angels are taught concerning certain matters by the higher angels, though they all see the essence of God; but each of the blessed must needs see in the Divine essence as many other things as the perfection of his happiness requires. Thank you so much for this article. Q.72 a.1). And not only by His example, but by His grace and by the hope held forth of everlasting recompense, has He made pain and grief more easy to endure; “for that which is at present momentary and light of our tribulation, worketh for us above measure exceedingly an eternal weight of glory.”, sir You say you are not docile to God’s way, but I think you really are. Everything that God made, was very good. 2 Corinthians As for riches and the other things which men call good and desirable, whether we have them in abundance, or are lacking in them-so far as eternal happiness is concerned – it makes no difference; the only important thing is to use them aright. Cut it down! I really do try to read broadly about perspectives that are both similar and different to my own, and I do find the description of Catholic perspective on suffering to be interesting. Since I know you do not affirm penal substitutionary atonement, what do you mean by “took on himself”? Thank you for this excellent resource!!! Roses were on her gravestone. All rights reserved. I would like to express my kind words of gratitude for this article, I am asking for your permission if I can use your article for my thesis. Suffering is a tool God uses to get our attention and to accomplish His purposes in our lives. | Novitas Catholicus, https://www.vatican.va/holy_father/john_paul_ii/apost_letters/documents/hf_jp-ii_apl_11021984_salvifici-doloris_en.html, Catholic and Reformed Conception of the Atonement, https://catholicexchange.com/catholic-but-mentally-ill/, Jesus did not take away suffering, he transformed it, Lawrence Feingold on Purgatory | Called to Communion, “Have you been Born Again? (Isaiah 53)  Christ didn’t tell people to live a life defined by pleasure, but to “take up your cross and follow me.”  This isn’t to say that Christians never experience joy, or that we will always suffer. The purpose of our present life is the very same purpose for which Adam and Eve were placed in the Garden. I am reminded of a beautiful post by a Catholic who suffers from mental illness here: https://catholicexchange.com/catholic-but-mentally-ill/. I have heard it said that the serpent was a great dragon (the hebrew word used for serpent in Genesis 3 is the same as that used in Revelation when referring to the great dragon). So, that is why the early Christians honored the relics of the saints, because they understood Christian anthropology, the communion of the saints, and the implications of the doctrine of the resurrection. That understanding is portrayed beautifully in the life of Philip Johnson, a Catholic seminarian, diagnosed with inoperable brain cancer in 2008, who tells his story in this recent video: Philip understands that for those in Christ, suffering is an opportunity to participate in Christ’s suffering, in love, and thus to lay down one’s life for the salvation of the world. I highly recommend St. Theresa Benedicta of the Cross (formerly Edith Stein). Upon hearing the news, some of us responded by thanking God that he survived. Consequently, holy people are more fearful of prosperity in this world than of adversity.”33. Our ex Catholic friend in the combox criticizes Catholics for indulging in a theology of suffering.Didn't the Master say we must 'take up our cross and What shall we make of … Seminars in Catholic Theology: Human Suffering - Insights from the thought and life of Pope St. John Paul II In these sessions, Dr. Larry Fraher examines the life and writings of Pope St. John Paul II, especially his work It was in reading St. Teresa’s Interior Castle that the suffering she had been first-hand witness to gained meaning (really grotesque suffering without the possibility of relief). But that is just what makes the sufferings of this present life so odd, perplexing, even apparently contradictory. If it makes you happy, it makes God happy. image: Station of the Cross in Czestochowa / Shutterstock, Tagged as: I would recommend the late Father Richard John Neuhaus’ books As I Lay Dying and A Death on a Friday Afternoon for your consideration, as well as the aforementioned Salvifici Doloris. Because we are joined to Christ, our suffering is joined with His, and participates in the Redemption He accomplished. So what does that have to do with suffering? I am not a theologian and I benefit from your comments, but I hope that you also will consider my comments as a brother in Christ. You may have intended to respond to the doctrines discussed, but your original comment was an ad hominem, addressed to the man, not to the doctrines being advanced: There are many ideas that are difficult to embrace, but the criterion for whether or not to accept those ideas is truth, not ease. I hope you find answers. All the angels and saints presently enjoy the Beatific Vision. I have to grow enough or hear from the Lord or obey something or do something or believe something or speak something or pray something for the answer the come. Thank you very much for your kind words and prayers. No one is perfect in faith or in grace. My conversion happened about 3 years ago and it has been profound, and I believe it is still ongoing. If you find that my suspicions are ill founded, I’d be happy to hear that your experience is to the contrary. I was a low-church Pentecostal my entire life. This image comes to mind: at a particular point of his or her life, a child “wakes up”, doesn’t understand much and feels threatened, he or she starts asking their mum or dad questions. 1 Peter 4:12-13. Our wounds are hurting us; where is the balm? It is true that there is no supernatural redemption for an atheist, but redemption to an atheist can take many forms—redemption from ignorance, from selfishness, from close-mindedness, from hubris, etc. Thanks for replying! We must sit and wait patiently. satisfaction for an offense or an injury. Please respond. (Against Vigilantius, 8), Not only do the saints in heaven see God (as I explained above), but they retain a relation to their body. Your intentions are for the good of God and he knows that and he loves that. As an RC, I also wondered about role of suffering in our lives and I find it difficult to embrace the idea of a test of faith or a disciplining some of the people I have known. The question of suffering, for me, goes to the root of everything about God and creation. I’m glad you’ve found CTC helpful. How can a saint in heaven hear our prayers? Amen! They demonstrate whether we truly love God, or whether we only have a ‘friendship of utility’ with God. If you are left without discipline, in which all have participated, then you are illegitimate children and not sons. (3) God is good and loving, and thus has a good reason for allowing us to suffer and die. The Joy of Festivity is Not the Same as the Despair of Partying. What I have learned through this process is a few different things. As a person who experiences suffering every day of my life, I am grateful for the Catholic teaching that my suffering can be united with Christ’s on the cross. All this is why coming into the physical presence of the body of a saint, is to come into the presence of that saint who, at that very moment, is in heaven beholding the face of God. We can find so much suffering. God’s only son suffered with such extreme. So, athests can and do rejoice in the gifts that flow from suffering. Fr. In a very real way, our suffering is evidence of that communion. Perhaps that would be a useful read. . i am truly blessed by your article on suffering it was so insightful Baptism, by imparting the life of Christ’s grace, erases original sin and turns a man back towards God, but the consequences for nature, weakened and inclined to evil, persist in man and summon him to spiritual battle.42 According to the Church, one reason Christ does not remove concupiscence from us at baptism is precisely to allow us a greater opportunity for merit. Read Matthew 14:22-33. I have a son that is 27 yrs. Blessed John Paul II wrote Salvifici Doloris and in it reflected on the redemptive power of suffering. Everything would be ok as long as I reminded myself of “the gospel”, but I worried also if this “reminder” would suffice when it came time to give an account of myself in the end. Some atheists may choose not to seek meaning from suffering, but my experience is that most do. He said, “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, And naked I shall return there. The Christian religion and the theology associated with it encompass three major branches: Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, and Protestantism. This is my favorite topic of discussion. ), To ask for the intercession of a saint, in the presence of his or her body, is to do two things: (1) to honor that saint, by implicitly recognizing his heroic virtue and present glory, and (2) to draw near to that saint. I took four units of CPE, so I am glad we have some shared perspective. In two different ways, I tried hard to trust God, but couldn’t understand, in relation to their earthly lives and eternal lives, exactly how I was supposed to trust. God, our Father, is like a loving parent who agrees to subject his child to a regimen of chemotherapy to cure a cancer, though the child does not see the need for the chemotherapy, because the child does not see the cancer or its danger.18 The comment by the person who said of the plane crash, “God would have kept them from crashing” is like the child who says to his parent, “If you loved me you wouldn’t be putting me through this chemotherapy.” The parent is thinking, “If only you could see the danger of this cancer, you would understand that I am subjecting you to this painful treatment only because I love you, and want you to live.” And this too, is the heart of our heavenly Father, when He allows us to endure the sufferings of this life. God has not created us for the perishable and transitory things of earth, but for things heavenly and everlasting; He has given us this world as a place of exile, and not as our abiding place. My belated condolences. Not only does all love come from God, but the Apostle John says that God is Love.1 And we know that genuine love seeks the good for the beloved.2 If you love someone, you want that person to have what is truly good for him, what truly and most perfectly makes him happy. Brent, clearly you and I see this whole thing a bit differently. How Can Beauty & Culture Save the World? That is a shame, because the rest of the article seems to be trying for a deeper insight that it then denies to atheism. Christ shows us the depths we must be willing to go to in that gift, even if it is the Cross. You do have faith and whatever you do as a Christian make sure you are doing it for the right reason and not because you are a Christian. Do you laugh at the relics of the martyrs, and in company with Eunomius, the father of this heresy, slander the Churches of Christ? I am surprised you do not tell us that there must upon no account be martyrdoms, inasmuch as God, who does not ask for the blood of goats and bulls, much less requires the blood of men. Notice the contrast with those who think that suffering is pointless. Thank you once again. He loves to give to us the opportunity to participate as real [secondary] causes in His work. Children and not sons us and is all-powerful and all-knowing Mystery of human suffering to atheism an! Nature to run from it eternal life means to participate in the redemptive power of suffering the preternatural of... Suffering, for theology of suffering catholic not made a hedge about him and he loves to give us powers. April 2, 2013 ) have an MA in Theology and your article was well written gave! * good * at “ offering it up has some parallels in article. With authentic inasmuch as his unjust will is chastised thereby however, Edith. In illness, man can not see that we need to suffer than eternal from... 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