You can easily eliminate page numbers either throughout your entire document, or only on selected pages. I am using document class{book} and on even numbered pages , the number appears on the left whereas on the odd numbered pages, the number appears on the right. I will give a small example code to create a table of contents first:After compiling the .tex file two times, you will get the following table of contents: \begin{document} As I didn’t did this again I can be wrong but google will help you tu correct me ^^. The header is empty and the footer contains page numbers in the centre. \maketitle If you use the fancyhdr package (see this post for an example of how to use it) then you can change the distance between the footer and the text. \setcounter{page}{1} Setting a numbering style is straightforward The command \pagenumbering{roman}will set the page numbering to lowercase Roman numerals. To reference a figure, \caption is mandatory. \setcounter{page}{1} In terms of LaTeX page layout, "body" text block, margins, headers, and footers can be attributed to such content elements.The basic LaTeX command \documentclass activates default layout, specific for each document class (e.g. All Rights Reserved. There are five different page number styles invoked by the\pagenumbering{num_style}command: 1. arabic - ordinary arabic numerals 2. roman - lowercase roman numerals 3. Instead of having the number printed in the normal position, the rules state that the number should be rotated as well. This counter can be set manually at any time using the \setcounter{page}{number} command, where number is the new page number you’d like. \end{document}. 4. Frontmatter is only available in book-type documents. Look for the end of a page that you want your figure to come after. The name of the link is ‘ filename . (Default: lastpage=1) ∙Hypertext options: link Inserted pages become a target of a hyperlink. Unfortunately, you still have to deal with the page numbers on pages containing a \maketitle , \part or \chapter command, since the standard classes; deal with those separately, as described below. Short version: Is it possible to make the \pagenumbering command work with \numpages? \pagestyle{headings} Thanks. In LaTeX, it is possible to add a combination of numbering style. By default, page numbers start from the first page (often the title page) and are displayed in arabic numbers (ie: 1, 2, 3 …). \label{lastpage} Finally managed to sort out my page numbering properly! hi all… Foreward described here ... Also, add a backslash after \thepageto ensure adequate space between the page number and 'of'. How do I get rid of it? instead of your: % pages and right on odd pages The argument should be a page number. The idea being to get “Page I of IV”, “Page II of IV”, and etc. While that looks nice, I’d prefer not to have it. You can do this by changing the \footskip value (30pt by default). The only things that you can be sure of, however, is that LaTeX will never place a float before it is referenced in the text. In addition, when a new chapter begins, the number on this page appears on the bottom. Page of floats: on a seperate page containing no text, only figures and tables. Also, LaTeX recommends compiling a second time to get references (equations, etc.) Thank you! \fancyhead{} %by smita, \fancyfoot[C]{\bfseries\thepage} %%%%by smita: The package appendixnumberbeamer solves the problem through the \appendix command which marks the end of the presentation and resets the page number counter. should give you more space between the text and the footer. For example: if you want your figure to go on page 77, find the place in the text, where page 76 ends. The code above will generate this document. \pagenumbering{roman} numbers pages u… Hi there The standard page styles are invoked in LaTeXby means of the command: The myheadingspagestyle displays the page number on top of the page in the outer corner. By default, page numbers start from the first page (often the title page) and are displayed in arabic numbers (ie: 1, 2, 3 …). So, time for an example. I use the geometry package and have small margins… By default, beamer will count the total number of slides, including the backup slides at the end of the presentation, leading to a wrong number of total slides intended for presentation. If you’re still having issues, post a minimum working example in here and we’ll see what we can do. They are referred to a… ***************************************************, © 2010 \section{The First Section} \pagenumbering{roman}, % page i % In the standard document classes report and book, figure and table counters are reset after every chapter. A large number will now appear in the left margin, and should be correctly centered. This numbering appears in lowerc… \footer{}{Page \thepage of \numpages}, You then just need to set the label “lastpage” just before the end of your document (or roman numbered part) like that: \usepackage[noend]{algorithmic}, %%% Clear Header %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \end{document}. \newpage, % page iii % Either ‘true’ … I have a question please. The header is empty and the footer contains page numbers in the centre. This command will force LaTeX to insert all the floats (figures and tables) that weren't printed yet to be printed before any other text is processed. correct. Very helpful! Unlike in a word processor like Microsoft Word, in which figures are placed directly where the user specifies, LaTeX will attempt to place a figure in a position that does not violate certain typographic rules. If “p” is specified, it will allow the float to take a whole page to itself.