3: direction. We will place the images with the help of the unorder list element to keep the HTML nice and clean. This testimonial slider is easy to implement and very lightweight using pure CSS for the animations. These elements follow a modern and simplistic approach to design. The tutorial can be found here. Slider examples made with pure JS & CSS, jQuery or other Javascript libraries can be used in many creative projects. ... See the Pen Studio Toto Chaos Slider by René Roth on CodePen. Whenever I pop my images into the place where I’m supposed to, when I get to about the 3rd image, the buttons to click to go to the next image suddenly disappear. I kind of only replicated Clever Techie’s code and change some parts, but I think I now understand how … Continue reading "Image Slider with Sliding Animation in HTML and CSS only" This is a demonstration of an Image Slider/Carousel written in HTML and CSS only. New feature added to 1.3.3. My overall goal is to create a single marquee strip that will start to animate left to right. Set startVisible option to true. In real-time scenarios, there may be a requirement to put an image slider on the application web page. You can also use the