This is the record of a female bear. But they play with other bears they meet. Polar bears are black with clear fur, so in daylight, they appear white; at night, they are invisible. Jan 22, 2016 - Fun Polar Bear Facts for Kids. For such a big animal, polar bears sure start out small! A boar (adult male) weighs around 350–700 kg (770–1,540 lb), while a sow (adult female) is about half that size. Number of Claws; How to Draw a Polar Bear for Kids – Super Simple Steps, Images, Videos; Is a Polar Bear Bigger than a Grizzly Bear? Polar bears can track down an odor from 20 miles (32 km) away. Females usually only have two cubs and they have these babies in a cave that they've dug in a large snowdrift. The largest population of polar bears occurs in Canada. Polar bears eat mainly seals; also walrus, beached whales, caribou, and seaweed. Polar bears stand 133 high at the shoulder. Polar bears in the wild can live up to 30 years. Polar bear furs are hollow. Polar bears will stalk their prey on the ice. [5] Bears can see almost as well as humans, and they can hear a little better. Adult male bears weigh up to 772–1,543 pounds while female averages 331–551 only. The mother polar bear nurture her cubs around two years old. Polar bears live in the Earth’s northern-most regions called the Arctic. It’s worth mentioning this because they are so closely related to the brown bear. Polar bears have 42 teeth. They are strong and can swim very well. Polar bear is not white; it only appears to be one. Polar bears keep warm because of a 10cm thick layer of blubber around their skin. Fun facts about polar bears! Polar bears are similar in size to a normal bear but have a slimmer neck, longer legs and fur. Therefore, they can absorb sunlight efficiently. They do however enter into dormancy state but scientists do not call it hibernation. Interesting Polar Bear Facts for Kids Habitat. The Polar Bear is the world’s largest land predator. The polar bear eats seals, fish and fruits (berries). They can be up to 250cm long and 160cm tall and weigh up to 600kg. < PREV NEXT > BEAR FACT INDEX. Two-thirds of polar bear litters are twins! Polar bears sleep and give birth in dens. Polar bears will stalk their prey on the ice. Polar bears have quite heavy and sharp claws—perfect for digging ice. Milk from polar bear mothers is 35 percent fat; this helps the cubs grow quickly. Male polar bears can weigh as much as 1500lbs. This page was last modified on 23 December 2020, at 02:10. Scientists have even seen a mother polar bear stand up and leap at a helicopter to keep it away from her cubs. They can be found in the Artic, the U.S. (Alaska), Canada, Russia, Denmark (Greenland), and Norway. They keep warm because of … They are mostly carnivorous. 2. They travel an average of 5,500 miles a year or 15 miles a day. How to Draw a Polar Bear for Kids – Super Simple Steps, Images, Videos, Largest Polar Bear on Record –Biggest Polar Bear Ever, Polar Bear vs Tiger – Siberian Tiger vs Polar Bear, How Many Claws Does a Polar Bear have? A polar bear is a member of the Ursus genus. The bear's blubber, meat, and fur all help the Inuit survive. 49 Polar Bear Facts for Kids. Polar bears livearound the area of the arctic circle. Young polar bears wrestle in the snow to build their strength and skills. It was also greatly respected for its strength and spirit. Polar bears can be found in the U.S. (Alaska), Canada, Russia, Greenland, and Norway (Svalbard). The Inuit gave thanks and respect in turn. Children love just about anything about polar bear so that they may prepare polar bear worksheets, polar bear essays, polar bear research projects, and so on. Then they use their claws to slowly push themselves across the ice. Cubs learn to remain perfectly still while their mother is off hunting. Polar bear fur is made up of a layer of dense underfur and an outer layer of "guard hairs", which appear white to tan but are actually translucent. The cub is born in December, when the mother is hibernating. It is born hairless, with its eyes closed. Fun Facts for Kids. 3. For other uses, see. A polar bear may also hunt by swimming beneath the ice. A polar bear can swim up to six miles per hour. Each male fluffs out his coat of fur to make himself look bigger. Polar Bear vs Tiger – Siberian Tiger vs Polar Bear; How Many Claws Does a Polar Bear have? Polar bears can weigh up to 750-kilograms (1,550 pounds) and can stand up to 3-metres (10-feet) tall. They are adults by this time and weigh 330 to 660 pounds (150 to 300 kilograms). Arctic explorers. Interesting Polar Bear Facts 1. Young Polar bears stay with their mothers for 1–2 years, and they become mature when they are 5–6 years old. The cub leaves its mother in 2-3 years. Adult males weigh as much as 400–790 pounds while females weigh 290–400 pounds. During distress, polar bears produce sounds like. Polar Bear Facts for Kids. 10. In fact, a bear’s sense of smell is around 100 times greater than a human’s. They spread out their legs and lay their bellies flat on the ice. The polar bear’s binomial name is Ursus maritimus. During the first year, the cubs begin to eat solid food but still nurse from their mother. Polar bears’ skin is black and their fur appears bright and white. Each male fluffs out his coat of fur to make himself look bigger. Adult polar bears can measure over 2.5m long and weigh … In fact, they regularly swim around 30 miles in a stretch, and in one case, up to 220 miles! They can kill a predator with just one swat of their powerful front paws. habitat. They possess the shortest tails of all bears. Polar bears are actually black. Mother polar bears will do anything to protect their young. Amazing Polar Bears Facts For Kids. They are strong and fast, and can run as fast as 25 miles (40 km) an hour for a short distance. A female polar bear was recorded swimming for 9 days straight. Perhaps the most obvious of polar bear facts for kids is that polar bears are white. Polar Bear Facts for Kids. Polar bears are the largest of all bears. Polar bear roar. Polar bears live at the periphery of the northern polar ice cap, in the Arctic circle. Constantine John Phipps was the first person who gave polar bear a scientific name back in 1774. Polar bears have 42 teeth. The bottoms are wide and covered with fur to help keep the bear from slipping. A young polar bear is called a cub. Female Polar bears prefer to construct their dens using "old snow" from previous years instead of freshly fallen snow. Polar bears eat seals because it provides them blubber as well as calorie-rich skin. Learn more amazing facts about the polar bear in this video from National Geographic Kids. – Polar Bear Grizzly Bear; How often Do Polar Bears have Cubs? As the bear grows older the white coat turns yellow. A Polar Bear is a carnivore, meaning they eat meat. Red areas indicate loss of optimal polar bear habitat; blue areas indicate gain. Polynyas (water areas surrounded by ice) or patches of unfrozen sea, along with shore leads (patches of water between ice sheets and coasts) are their favorite hangouts, as these places are populated by seals. They will build dens on ice packs. The polar bear is a burly white bear that lives in the lands surrounding the North Pole . 2) These are seriously big bears, gang. A Polar Bear is a carnivore, meaning they eat meat. The brown bear and … They are strong and fast, and can run as fast as 25 miles (40 km) an hour for a short distance. Polar Bear Facts: The polar bear is the world's largest land predator. But they cannot live on their own. But they can smell much better. They're the largest carnivores on land. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has listed polar bears as. A thick layer of blubber below their fur provides buoyancy and insulation. The polar bear cubs weigh only 2 pounds at birth. They begin to learn to hunt and swim. Most polar bears live up to 15 – 18 years. The cub stays in the den with the mother until March, then, they all come out. Read More: How to Draw a Polar Bear for Kids? 18 Polar Bear Facts for Kids. Come learn about what polar bears like to eat, why they eat so much and some other interesting facts about their diet. A cub is about the size of a stick of butter when it is born. Polar bears mothers usually give birth to twins. Males attain maturity at 6 years of age while females become mature at 4 years age. Males weigh 849 to 904 pounds while females averaging 331–551 pounds. They do not seem to have any natural predators in the wild. Their fur is thicker than the other bears’ and covers even their feet for heat and traction on ice. Polar bears often rest silently at a seal's breathing hole in the ice, waiting for a seal in the water to surface. The skin is not white; it is black. Polar bears love to feed on ringed and bearded seals. This is mission critical for polar bear survival, to the point where polar bears are listed as a threatened species under the U.S. They can reach a total length of 9 feet 10 inches. Polar bear scientists call this "the cowboy walk." The average lifespan is 25 years and they can start to reproduce at age 4. Polar bears live in countries in the Arctic Circle, including these: The breeding time is 8 months. Endangered Species Act. Polar bears live alone. During the, Polar bears can spend months in starvation. It is also called white bear or northern bear. Now that you know more about the Polar bear by learning the key data above, be sure also to check out the fun facts. Polar Bear Facts and Information for Kids: 1. Polar bears are hypercarnivorous and the … CLICK HERE to begin reading through in order or hop right to a particular section: Bears are Mammals; A Long Winters Nap; Lunch Time! They have poor eyesight. They hunt and live alone. Fun facts for kids including photos and printable activity worksheets; suitable for Kindergarten through Grade 6. Polar bears are marine mammals, and pay a lot of their time on Arctic Ocean ice. Like all bears, it is a mammal . In fact, scientists predict that we could lose two-thirds of the world’s polar bears by 2050, and we could lose all of them by the end of the century unless we unless we dramatically reduce GHG emissions worldwide. Adult bears weigh as much as 772–1,543 pounds. Making their homes in Alaska, Canada, Greenland, Norway, and Russia, polar bears live on ice and snow, but that’s not a problem—these bears have some cool ways to stay warm with 2 different layers of hair and thick fat. They can be found in the Artic, the U.S. (Alaska), Canada, Russia, Denmark (Greenland), and Norway. The polar bear (Ursus maritimus) is a large bear which lives in the Arctic. So to find them you will have to go to Canada, Alaska, Russia, Greenland and Norway. Ready for an icy adventure, gang? Polar bears are strong swimmers. Polar bears can run fast but they do not chase their prey for long because they get overheated. Polar bear’s … The female produces two cubs but when the food is scarce she only raises one. Here at National Geographic Kids we’re heading north – far north! Polar Bears mostly eat ringed seals but sometimes they will eat walrus, beluga whales, and bowhead whales. Unlike other bear species, polar bears do not maintain territories. They eat immediately after hibernating. Like all bears, it is a mammal . These rules help keep polar bear populations stable. Adult males sometimes eat polar bear cubs. Several diversifications build polar bears unambiguously suited to life in icy habitats. Each of these countries either banned hunting or established rules for how many polar bears could be hunted within its own boundaries. The polar bear was the mascot for the 1988 Winter … Polar bears are found throughout the Arctic and are the most nomadic of all bear species. Their fur looks white because of the light’s reflection off the snow and ice. Polar bears mate in April or May. The maximum distance covered by any polar bear is estimated at 400 miles in swimming. Polar bears don’t drink water! Polar bears are ready to mate when they are five or six years old. Polar bears have an excellent sense of smell, with the ability to detect seals nearly a mile away (1.6 km). They have poor eyesight but have an excellent sense of smell. Polar bear scientists call this "the cowboy walk." People think Polar bears can become 25–30 years old in nature, but in captivity (for example, in zoos), they can become up to 45 years old. The polar bear or the sea/ice bear are the world's largest land predators. It is said that a polar bear covers up its black nose with snow when it is hunting. Well, here we’re bringing some of the most fascinating polar bear facts for kids that reflect on the entire life of polar bears in the Arctic. The fur keeps them very warm. The scientific name of the polar bear is Ursus maritimus. Polar bears can weigh more than 1300 pounds and span more than 8 feet, 6 inches from nose to tail, making … Polar Bears mostly eat ringed seals but sometimes they will eat walrus, beluga whales, and bowhead whales. The babies are born six weeks after their mother mates. As adults, male bears fight with each other over a female. Several groups of European polar explorers were seriously ill after eating livers. Learn more fascinating polar bear facts and find out about our work with tracking polar bears in the Arctic. Also, scientists can extract polar bear DNA from just their footprints in the snow. New 25. They leave their mother and strike off into territory of their own. Dogsleds are used for recreational hunting of polar bears in Canada. In the United States, polar bears are located in two Alaskan populations: the Chukchi/Bering Seas of western Alaska … A mother polar bear does not eat anything during. Polar bears are black with clear fur, so in daylight, they appear white; at night, they are invisible. Polar bears can reach speeds up to 40 kph (25 mph) on land and 10 kph (6 mph) in water. The polar bear or the sea/ice bear are the world's largest land predators. The polar bear's liver contains a lot of vitamin A. Inuit people knew that eating the liver could cause sickness and death. They will not eat humans. Here are five polar bear facts your kids will enjoy: There are no polar bears in Antarctica. A polar bear can live up to 25 years in the wild. By the time they are two years old, the cubs have grown into large bears. You should know that polar bears are the largest living carnivores in the world. A female polar bear will have an average of five litters of cubs in her lifetime. The mother feeds the babies milk, which makes them grow fast, and after 10 weeks, the cubs weigh about 20 to 25 pounds (9.1 to 11.4 kilograms). The symptoms included drowsiness, wanting to sleep, being irritable, headaches, and vomiting. Let’s learn with facts about ... Read morePolar Bear Facts for Kids A polar bear can swim up to 100 miles without resting. Polar bears can sniff out seals – their main food – from up to 1 km (0.6 miles) away and even under 1m (3 ft) of snow. Top 10 [Animal Facts] Naa naa naa boo boo, I'm higher than you! The fur of the polar bear is not really white, it’s transparent. When two polar bears meet, they have a special way of greeting each other. The scientific name of a polar bear is Ursus maritimus. Finally, the bear's skull was set on an ice floe to release its spirit back into the Arctic. After a hunt, they held a celebration that lasted for several days. The babies are about the size of a rat and weigh only a pound. A female polar bear can reach a weight between 386 and 772 pounds. The white coat goes yellow with age. However sometimes a group of polar bears is found feeding at the whale carcass. Brown bears and polar bears do fight over the food. In the summer, their coats turn yellow, and with disease and old age, the fur may become black. Polar bears are the largest land predators on the planet. Polar bears do not depend on sight for hunting prey. Number of Claws, Is a Polar Bear Bigger than a Grizzly Bear? A polar bear's paws are perfect snowshoes for them. In fact it is not actually white—it only appears to be. – Polar Bear Giving Birth, Polar Bear Cubs Facts – Interesting Facts about Baby Polar Bears, Polar Bear Penis – Polar Bear Genitalia and Testes Growth, The polar bear is the only bear species that can continuously, They do not make too much noise. They can detect prey from almost 14 miles away. Then, he swaggers along, growling, to scare off his rival. Sometimes, because of global warming, this is impossible and the cubs die before they have had a chance to live. Each of these countries either banned hunting or established rules for how many polar bears could be hunted within its own boundaries. The overall population is stable. Polar bear on Svalbard, starving due to the ice around the islands melting earlier than before, Engraving, made by Chukchi carvers in the 1940s on a walrus tusk, depicts polar bears hunting walrus, Greenland's 1911 five kroner note depicting a polar bear, Coat of arms of the Greenlandic Self-Rule government (Kalaallit Nunaat), This article is about the animal. – Polar Bear Grizzly Bear, How often Do Polar Bears have Cubs? They eat mostly seals and fish. The scientific name for the polar bear is ‘ursus maritimus’. Search. A Polar bear's fur is hollow and reflects light, so it is not actually white. File:Play fight of polar bears edit 1.ogv. They will get a whack to the head from their mother if they do move. The length of an adult male is about 7 ft 10 in–9 ft 10 inches with the female measuring up to 5 ft 11 in–7 ft 10 inches. They can live off of one seal for many days, but it will make them hungry if they do. Then, he swaggers along, growling, to scare off his rival. The word means ‘sea bear’ or ‘maritime bear’. Polar bears … Download questions about the Polar bear … There are so many interesting facts about this bear! Top 5 Polar Bear facts for kids. Polar bears are large animals that need to eat a lot of food to survive. Polar bears are found in Russia, United States, Canada, Norway, United States, and Denmark. This polar bear learning video for kids is the classroom edition of our polar bears video. Kodiak brown bear is probably the only species which goes about the size of a polar bear. They can be … The surface of a polar bear’s paws are rough to stop them from slipping on the ice. 1) Polar bears are found in the frozen wilds of the Arctic, in Canada, Alaska (US), Greenland, Russia and Norway. They can be found in the Arctic, the U.S. ( Alaska), Canada, Russia, Denmark (Greenland), and Norway. Polar bears are apex predators meaning there are no animals that hunt them – they are at the top of their food chain. They are about the size of a stick of butter. The female bear is only half the size of an adult male. The long neck and slim bone of the Thalarctos mariti… They circle around each other for a while, grunting. Grizzly Bear Facts for Kids How much does a Grizzly Bear Weigh? The polar bear was the most dangerous animal to hunt. Home. Both male and female polar bears live to be as much as 30 years old (in a zoo). As adults, male bears fight with each other over a female. 3. The white coat of the polar bear teaches us polar bear fun facts relating to evolution. The longest swimming record by any polar bear is 9 days. tundra. Polar bears are the only bear species to be considered as marine mammals. Polar bear facts for kids interest people of all ages.These large white bears occupy a special place in the indigenous cultures of the Arctic regions, but polar bears also hold a special place in the hearts and minds of people all around the world. Then, a polar bear dance was held. It is one of the few mammals which are quite badly hit by. After 24 hours, people's skin began to peel off. Polar bears are not true hibernators. Polar bears can swim 100 miles at a stretch! Here are five polar bear facts your children will enjoy: Male polar bears can weigh as much as 680kg. The polar bear is a burly white bear that lives in the lands surrounding the North Pole . Young Polar bears stay with their mothers for 1–2 years, and they become mature when they are 5–6 years old. Polar bears keep warm thanks to nearly 10 cm of blubber under the skin. However, this behavior has never been officially observed! What does a Polar Bear Eat? The polar bear is the only bear species that can continuously swim for days. Polar bears live in the Arctic whereas penguins are found in the Antarctic. 9. The polar bear eats seals, fish and fruits (berries). They get the liquids from the animals they eat. Map from the U.S. Geological Survey shows projected changes in polar bear habitat from 2001 to 2010 and 2041 to 2050. The polar bear hairs are hollow and they reflect the light. When you are finished learning the facts, try answering the questions in the Q&A corner on the bottom right side of the page. They feed on bearded and ringed seals. Male polar bears can weigh as much as 10 men! They are very strong swimmers, and their large front paws, which they use to paddle, are slightly webbed. Polar bear Introduction The Polar bear is a carnivorous bear whose native range lies largely within the Arctic Circle, encompassing the Arctic Ocean, its surrounding seas and surrounding land masses. The polar bear is the largest bear species. Polar bears don’t eat penguins because penguins aren’t present in the North Pole regions. Both male and female polar bears live to be as much as 30 years old (in a zoo). Polar bears have 42 teeth. They have long hairs of about 2 – 6 inches in length. description. When Polar bears hunt, they often wait at holes in the ice, where the seals come up to breathe. During summer, the polar bear coat turns yellow. The Polar Bear is the world’s largest land predator. A polar bear can crawl across ice too thin for a human to walk on. 2. Polar Bears can run 30 miles per hour for short distances! It has black skin under the white fur. Polar bears have 42 teeth. A female polar bear is called a sow. The polar bear (Ursus maritimus) is a hypercarnivorous bear whose native range lies largely within the Arctic Circle, encompassing the Arctic Ocean, its surrounding seas and surrounding land masses.It is the largest extant bear species, as well as the largest extant land carnivore. One polar bear died at the age of 32 in the wild. They are known to travel alone. The overall length of … The maximum lifespan in captivity is about 43 years. Polar bears can swim for days at a time to get from one piece of ice to another. Polar bears can weigh more than 1300 pounds and span more than 8 feet, 6 inches from nose to tail, making them the largest carnivores to currently walk the Earth. Currently there are 25,000 polar bears living in the Arctic. By springtime, they weigh more than 20 pounds and start exploring with their mother outside the den. Long muzzle and neck of the polar bear help it to search in deep holes for seals, while powerful hindquarters enable it to drag massive prey, Road sign warning about the presence of polar bears. Polar bears have long been admired for their cuddly appearance particularly polar bear cubs which do not only look loveable they actually display white fluffy hairs. All polar bears are left handed. The polar bear (Ursus maritimus) is a large bear which lives in the Arctic. A polar bear is the biggest of all carnivorous land mammals. Then they come closer and touch noses. An adult polar bear has 42 teeth. A male polar bear is comparatively more aggressive than female bears. bonk.mp3. Polar bears live alone. A polar bear can smell its prey up to one mile away. These bears have black skin and translucent (or clear) fur. The average lifespan of a polar bear is about 20 – 25 years in the wild. At birth, a baby cub weighs less than 2 pounds (0.9 kilograms). – to meet one of nature’s toughest animals in our 10 facts about polar bears… Ten polar bear facts. Polar bears are generally found in frozen wild parts of the Arctic. They practice using their strong paws, and they show off their big, sharp teeth. The sharp claws help grip the ice. It is also called white bear or northern bear.It has black skin under the white fur. Not maintain territories animal, polar bears are marine mammals the average lifespan of a polar scientists! Have to go to Canada, Norway, United States, and they can be 49! The point where polar bears are black with clear fur, so is. 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