It always is. There’s a whole big backstory with the tensions between the northern and southern kingdoms, but ultimately the southern God, “Yahweh” won out. The tenants of the religion are irrelevant. Skeptics and believers tend to follow the same thought processes, and come to conclusions that validate their own methods and beliefs, and invalidate those of their opponent. Back in the days, the gods were always talking to someone or another. Nothing Like Me 5. Both sides share incredibility and credibility in equal portions within their arguments. Don’t believe me? Goldwater quote and image. The “Good News” or “Gospel” is that Christ has risen for your sins, and all you need to do is believe it, and prove this with a publicly baptism. All a “Believer” needs to do is identify the community that they were “meant” to assimilate into, and then do it. They have a built-in tendency to accept structural hierarchy. Grey resists the animal, and promotes our humanity. Any statements that cannot be factually corroborated are immediately discarded. For those with a reverence for history, watching Hannity’s monologues can be an excruciating experience. Leaders and followers are “Believers”. And as we are in Jared Diamonds view, the Third Chimpanzee. And this disease created the candidate not the other way around. The current generation lacks the will, integrity, and the courage necessary to properly address any of these issues at this time. This is a disease of the electorate. April 5, 2013 ; STANFORD, Calif. We no longer need or use them, but nonetheless they continue to replicate in all human DNA. Lacking a belief structure, there is no way that an individual or group could ever have projected their will on an entire population. Not what we want it to be. Take a little time to read Lincolns own words. 100% Upvoted. There was a God, and probably others but the others are of no consequence. The most unconventional, and controversial election cycle in American history, has resulted in the greatest political upset of all time. We find handy ways to mask this over when we want to get along. The other was a prominent lawyer named Gilbert West. At its core, this ability to believe anything for the sake of believe alone, is not a universal skill set. We are right, and you are wrong. Indeed, without religion, human history couldn’t even be a thing. This is a very liberating concept in that it allows you to watch your fellowman in a more anthropological manner. We assign lesser value to the other beliefs. I have been informed that there is a war on terrorism. The most notable being Dean Hamer’s attempt “The God Gene” Here again, the premise is flawed. share. I look for its presence continually, and am constantly astonished by its simplicity and elegance, yet fearful of its delicacy. All wars, violence, hatred and indifference are, without exception, born on the human forge of black and white opposition. This “believe” has no basis in facts, or evidence. We no longer need or use them, but nonetheless they continue to replicate in all human DNA. Each of them has created a myth around themselves that other “Believer” types can associate with. [Serious] Paranormal skeptics who became believers, what changed your mind? Hilaria Baldwin shares video addressing ethnicity flap This account is of Bill Hayden, a famous politician in Australia. This is done by assembling a large number of more or less, accepted myths into a single basket. The difference between you and an agnostic or an atheist is that you see one in ten, and the ageistic sees none in ten. How does this happen? Is there anything that pre-ordains, or dictates the course of an individual life? Prepare for more violent hurricanes, deeper droughts and floods, coastal population displacement and yes, epic food production failures. Women always have and presumably always will be the backbone of any religious culture not as proof of the culture per se but as the natural conduit for their Tendencies to be more involved in each other’s lives the church therefore creates a bonding Association amongst all of the members and that Bond increases their dependency on the underpinning foundational beliefs If these archetypes can be galvanized into one body, well that could make for a formidable wall of will. To see what I mean, read some of the accounts I have written about atheists who became Christians. Reviewers thought these products wouldn't work, but boy were they wrong. Now that more credible science has answered many of the questions, it is finally OK to accept that evidence of science. Lewis, Lew Wallace (author of Ben-Hur ), and Giovanni Papini (prominant Italian atheist and author of Life of Christ ). Bible Gateway interviewed Dr. John Dickson (@johnpauldickson), about his book A Doubter’s Guide to the Bible: Inside History’s Bestseller for Believers and Skeptics (Zondervan, 2014). No doubt most, but certainly not all evangelicals share this core believe with zealots around the world. In a nut-shell, people are born with predispositions to be leaders, follower, or independent. “Thou shalt have no other gods before me” reads very differently than “There are no other Gods” The God of Abrahams day in Deuteronomy, was “Elohim”. ... My nails grew MUCH thicker and became … Perhaps the greatest strength of the book to me was his point that "belief" is a story lived out, not a theoretical belief. Your most loyal followers of the future just might be the skeptics who doubt you today. Not because it was difficult but rather because it was too easy. Are we to believe that the variance in these 30,000 genes is directly responsible for all diversity in humanity? Grey is the other 80% of us left behind by the dehumanizing bookends. Nasty 4. And it was changes by the people who hijacked the group and cherry picked the Bibles contents to create an illusion that had never before existed. A skeptic cannot "hand wave" (ignore) good evidence. A “believer” born and raised in Chicago, will have a very different “belief” structure than a child born and raised in Cairo. That changed back in 2008 when I went on vacation in Vermont. Genesis notwithstanding, the God of the bible never specifically claims that he is the one and only god. This is a disease of the electorate. What sets us apart as individual? So why shouldn’t this science be applied inward? As we answer them, seeking to blend grace with truth, an increasing number of skeptics may give an ear and become seekers or believers. Abortion only became an issue when the managers of the “Believing” class figured out how to make it an issue. It is still being debated by scientists, but it appears that we may be genetically driven. From Skeptics to Believers. These are not people who will play follow the “Dear Leader” mythos, “Skeptics”, will follow their eyes, ears and the evidence. Jesus never assumed that this commandment was only for his apostles, otherwise what would be the point? What is an Evangelistic Christian Ask any person on the street and you are bound to get a different answer from each. Additional Evidence Eyewitnesses to Jesus' Death on the Cross. The decision meant that the resistors had no longer had a legal standing. The same familial gene pool will produce jocks and victims. This is a relevant question. Are we to believe that the variance in these 30,000 genes is directly responsible for all diversity in humanity? From a broad and nebulous cloud of issues and ideas, “Skeptics” attempt to make their individual views dominant. “Making it up is” easy, but clarifying the facts is much more difficult. When the President declared “Mission Accomplished” a few days ago, what exactly did he mean? “Believers” have the tactical advantage in that they will apply blind loyalty with great frequency. Once this process has been set, you have officially been brainwashed. If we are talking about your religion, then this is bunk. And where do we go from here? Here’s an examination of five prominent skeptics of religion who used to consider themselves not just believers, but leaders, and how they’ve learned to cope with life after religion. Liberality or conservatism is a category that is almost impossible to predict. Herding “Skeptics” is more like herding cats. A good Egyptian is probably a Muslim and a good Kansan is a Christian, not because either has a more or less legitimate claim, but rather they will tend to believe what they are told to believe from the day they are born. The believer simply believes, because this is what they have been taught to believe. 30 Skeptics On The Unexplainable Paranormal Activity That Turned Them Into Believers 25 People On The Scariest Experience Of Their Life — That Can Only Be Attributed To The Paranormal 20 Celebrities Who’ve Had Terrifying Real-Life Encounters With Ghosts For those with a reverence for history, watching Hannity’s monologues can be an excruciating experience. Thinking Grey, is the act of seeing the world intentionally, for exactly what it is. If you are the tall and attractive sibling, your experiences and opportunities will be very different from those of your shorter and less attractive sibling. If you could prove your belief, whatever it is, then the whole world would share that belief, precisely because it is real, and it had been proven. 16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. Culture is, at its root mass-brainwashing. If the case is overturned by the Supreme court, we will revert back to the original position. Tietoja laitteestasi ja internet-yhteydestä IP-osoitteesi mukaan lukien, Selaaminen ja hakutoiminnot Verizon Media -verkkosivustojen ja -sovellusten käytön aikana. And wh en a skept ic becomes a believer , it is G od’s work. The evidence provided above confronts the Naturalist (Atheist) world view.Five skeptics who became early Christians permit us to conclude at the 97.5% confidence level that the Naturalist (Atheist) world view is wrong.It is also important to understand that the five skeptics lay a foundation for adding more data to the analysis. Any one of them could settle this once and for all, yet none of them do. They are comfortable in the fact that there is a lot that they still don’t know. The skeptic must accept the good evidence. Once this is done the “leader” will lead the herd until such time as a more viable “leader” comes along. Well of course not, that’s not the way we are built, but it is a significant point to always keep active in your mind. I made a personal choice years ago to stop debating biblical matters with Christians. Any zealot with the right combination of charisma and charms, can co-opt the whole organization and set it on the right path. Moreover, we know that a good portion of those known genes are dormant. They will believe what they are instructed and expected to believe, and joy of joys, it just so happens that their specific community is the one that got it all right after all! No revisionism. Once the “Believer” establishes their link with the group of their choosing, the leader of the group becomes someone to follow, and frequently someone to love and fear simultaneously. Poor longfacepug became a believer, weirdly, while fooling around with his girlfriend. No matter what your belief, all the others must be wrong. The nation and the world are reeling from nothing less than a seismic shift in the new world order. In short, why are some folks liberal and other conservative? The universal key that puts humanity into its proper perspective. They all were atheists when they were born. Grey resists the animal, and promotes our humanity. In 1971, delegates to the Southern Baptist Convention in St. Louis, Missouri, passed a resolution encouraging “Southern Baptists to work for legislation that will allow the possibility of abortion under such conditions as rape, incest, clear evidence of severe fetal deformity, and carefully ascertained evidence of the likelihood of damage to the emotional, mental, and physical health of the mother.” The convention, hardly a redoubt of liberal values, reaffirmed that position in 1974, one year after Roe, and again in 1976.Souther Baptist Convention {Politico}. Living a good life does not get you heaven insurance. They all have been indoctrinated (there’s the reason you asked for). 15:21. Is it even possible that our diversity can manifest itself from such a limited number of variants? The most unconventional, and controversial election cycle in American history, has resulted in the greatest political upset of all time. Apparently, this is how long it took Paul Weyrich and Jerry Falwell to figure out how to weaponize the subject. [Also see the guest blogpost by Dr. Dickson, Challenge for Skeptics: Read 100 Pages of the Bible . His is a search for a faith gene but there is and cannot be any such thing. THE CODE OF ETHICS: BELIEVERS AND SKEPTICS Our research was not specifically concerned with the Code of Ethics.2 It was directed toward un-derstanding what the daily lived experiences of social workers are in these postmodern times. Oh happy day!! But it is unlikely that we will find a conservative or a liberal gene anywhere in this mix. Being able to see how we interact in this primitive context makes it infinitely easier to see paths to resolution. Mahdollistaaksesi tietojesi käsittelyn Verizon Median ja kumppaneidemme toimesta, valitse 'Hyväksyn', tai valitse 'Hallitse asetuksia' saadaksesi lisätietoja ja hallinoidaksesi vaihtoehtojasi. I went to Bible College to become a pastor. more, As is the case with all good scientific breakthroughs, one discovery spawns ten more serious questions. How did it happen? Skeptics Create True Believers in Your Innovation. Perhaps the largest shock was that we humans have only have 30,000 genes, nowhere near the 100,000 estimated. They packaged the question the same way everyone else wants to package it. May 13, 2020 by James A. Haught Leave a Comment Liberals, on the other hand are devoid of this ability. Was the Northern Kingdom in a contract with “Elohim” while the Southern Kingdom was in a deal with “Yahweh”. Live Ya Own ft. Cesar Comanche 6. Lincoln for sure believed that Labor was superior to Capital, and in any legal question, this fact of Labors superiority is to be assumed. They chose to accept beliefs that are no more or less verifiable as yours, So who’s to say that they got it right, and you got it all wrong? What’s with the name change? Ironically in 1972, this was a non-existent believe. For some, “Simplifying” the view is the best way to cope. Where and when you live has more to do with your “choice” of religion than divine inspiration. However, they had their “Believers”, and nothing you could say would change that. more. "Believers" may be upset that skeptics do not accept their assertions but that's the way it is. He worked in government for 35 years, ending his storied career as the Governor-General of Australia, the highest executive office in the land. So why do families produce conservatives and liberals in a seemingly Chaotic array? Conservatives tend to be very amenable to believing, for the sake of believing alone. Yeah there is some other nice stuff in the cannon about a loving god, love for your fellow man, and to be charitable, but mainly it’s about not frying in Hell forevermore. A stress-reducing week to see parts of the US I'd never seen. The same for Muslims, Jews and Hindus. When we don’t, don’t feel like getting along, these differences are man made ways to segregate ourselves. Each will adapt to the local religious and political customs. They are a variety pack of colors and ideas. Damned if I can see it. I DO not call myself a Christian. The existence of either the “Believer” or the Skeptics” gene will shape your worldview more than probably any other factor in your life. Even if you are a stinking shitbag in your heart, playing the piety game well, is a fast track for getting ahead in this world of “Believers”. This happens every night, as Hannity would “breathlessly” say, “Only on Fox! . When you have a story that you want to sell, it’s fairly easy to embellish the details when the audience isn’t critical, or their sense of history is more or less non-existent. Yes there is a great deal of predictability in our Genes, and over time this will become more readily understood. So clearly this isn’t something I can do on a regular basis. Once a skeptic sees the good evidence, then the matter is moot. This is a chaotic world, it is scary, and very unfriendly. If our political identity weren’t so fractured Trump wouldn’t be the President. Your beliefs are correct otherwise they wouldn’t be your beliefs. The reps created staff lists of about 10 to 13 employees they would each communicate with. Reality didn’t change, only the beliefs did. The first five scrolls of the Torah are the basis for the first five Mosaic chapters of the Old Testament. We have been attempting to answer the wrong question all along. Thinking Grey, is the act of seeing the world intentionally, for exactly what it is. How to answer the tough questions. Donald Trump is the President Elect. As it happens, this diatribe is based once again on a John Solomon article in “The Hill”. more, We have all heard some scream with righteous indignation: “I Know My Rights!”” But have you ever heard a person scream out with equal indignation “I know my obligations”? As it happens, this diatribe is based once again on a John Solomon article in “The Hill”. Five skeptics who became early Christians permit us to conclude at the 97.5% confidence level that the Naturalist (Atheist) world view is wrong. Any attempt to lock all members into a specific category of thought will inevitably fail. And I worked in the church full-time for about ten years. 11 Answers. Then there is the question of being male of female which also changes one’s options therefore one’s choices. Jerry Fallwell wants us to believe that he sat there in 1973 with a newspaper in his hand announcing the passage of Roe v. Wade and became fearful of the direction in which we were heading. Their objective is to create a core of ideals from a broad palette of external, and testable thoughts and ideas. We all see and feel this every day, but is it C02? Some wealthy folks have kids that grow up to be socialists, and some atheists have children that grow up to be Ministers. Feel Good 7. Grey is in our DNA. They exist because the “Believer” class exists. How did it happen? On that night I could find no words to convey this new reality. So evangelizing with respect to Christianity would define a person who actively spreads the word that Christ has risen for our sins, and that we must all repent and get baptized, otherwise the loving God of all things will allow us to be tortured for infinity. Presumably we can all understand why modern Jews have a few problems with regard to the subject of heaven and hell today. Often, I’m asked next, “What do you really think?” I say, “I just told you what I really think.” “Yes, but what’s your gut feeling?” But I try not to think with my gut. Siblings can share similar upbringings yet as adults become polar opposites in their thinking and beliefs. Representatives from each area were voted in by the entire team to become part of the representative team. 303 Shares. We are heavily stocked with “Christians” or Believers” who know absolutely nothing about the religion or the God they profess to worship. They pulled it off, and there wasn’t very much in their platforms that would be recognized by actual Bible believing Christians. To a good Christian in Chicago, a Muslim in Pakistan must have it all wrong. If we follow the evidence that exists before their eyes, they we are damned. They will turn the focus over to State level battles and attempt to stack the state Supreme Courts so as to overturn state laws one by one. Unlike the “Believers” they have no built-in affinity for a hierarchical world. Yeah, me too. Before Roe V Wade, most states had allowed for abortions, with a minority resisting. For those who are inclined to lead or follow, the world is clearly hierarchical. This is reasonable but extrapolating this into the finer point that most believers are “spiritual” is ridiculous. The primary wall of separation amongst our kind is between those genetically inclined to be either “Believers” or “Skeptics”. Consider the path of great Nobel Laureate Max Planck who started off as a fervent skeptic, who didn’t even believe that atoms existed. It is also important to understand that the five skeptics lay a foundation for adding more data to the analysis. I don't know of a single case where an Apollonian Skeptic became a believer in the supernatural because of arguments, or of a Dionysian Skeptic becoming an atheist because of an experience. This is anything but “spirituality”. I suppose you could call Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses Evangelical, but even then, it is for a portion of their lives. However, for millennia, the “Believer” could accept any orthodox believe, and be satisfied with that. All famous Christians, by definition. He never had issues with Israelites worshiping “Non-existent Gods” His issue was with another God period. Rest assured that the Muslim in Pakistan feels precisely the same way. ), C.S. American “Believers” were apparently asleep at the wheel since our founding. If there are ten religions and you have one of them, then you know that the other nine must be incorrect. This happens every night, as Hannity would “breathlessly” say, “Only on Fox!!”. Thoughts for the top ft. Imanishali 12. There are very few of these creatures roaming the planet. Although all of the mothers are living with HIV, their children have tested negative for the virus—thanks to prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission (PMTCT) services. It appears that when Hannity refers to “his” research, generally he is referring to either John Solomon (The Hill) or Breitbart “Exposés” Apparently these are the only three honest sources in all the world. save hide report. Time Magazine attempted to explain this in 2012. According to the King James Bible, Mark 16:15-16 King James Version (KJV) 15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. Me ja kumppanimme säilytämme ja/tai käytämme tietoja laitteeltasi evästeiden ja vastaavien tekniikoiden avulla henkilökohtaisten mainosten ja sisällön näyttämiseen, mainosten ja sisällön mittaamiseen, yleisön näkemyksiin ja tuotekehitykseen. Are there really just two kinds of people? Watch Medium Reggie Lewis Turns Skeptics into Believers - Duration: 4:11. We have to assume that either God chose 1979 as the year to “Wake Up” his people. The internet has been a place to store evidence of the paranormal ever since it’s creation. 28 Products That Worked So Well They Turned Skeptics Into Believers. So, what is this “Gospel” stuff? “Skeptics” have no organized issues to collect around. However, they were correct in that the idea of religion was an essential part of human history. What’s that all about? The paranormal field has almost become its own religion, with a fiercely held belief in spirits, ghosts, demons, guardian angels, psychic abilities, etc., that makes little or no sense. Comment . Well they are as elusive as a unicorn. Munchies ft. Rory Raw, M.Henry 10. Is it even possible that our diversity can manifest itself from such a limited number of variants? I was raised Christian , became Atheist and only when I had experiences with spirit did I start to believe in any type of afterlife again . Where you were born, when you were born, and to whom you were born are obviously important factors, but they are not universal. 28 Products That Worked So Well They Turned Skeptics Into Believers. When you can place as much emphasis on your obligations as you do on your rights, the world of man will be made better! Favorite Answer. Videos are a plenty on the internet, some being wholesome videos, while others are much more dark. We love polls, are we are told that most Americans believe in God. Falwell, Weyrich, and a host of others convinced Regan to include Anti-Abortion for the first time in the Republican platform, and they have never looked back. Actual “spiritualty” is effectively non-existent in our species. If my definition is correct, and terrorist are people who have the hatred, abilities and the fortitude necessary to cause as much pain to the largest number of people possible, reason tells me that there are a lot more of them today than there were four years ago. Each person has differing experiences even though they emerge from the same cocoon. That being said, there was no general outcry from the believers in 1973, or 74 or 75 etc. If I’m serious about understanding the world, thinking with anything besides my brain, as tempting as that might be, is likely to get me into trouble. An anthropologist can observe this as an unresolvable scenario, until one or both parties asks themselves honestly, “Are we so arrogant as to believe that we, and we alone have the answers, and everyone else is a poopy-head” We can all easily ask, how much better the world would be without all those other religions messing it all up? Did these laws apply only to the Jews, if not, then why not? All wars, violence, hatred and indifference are, without exception, born on the human forge of black and white opposition. By T. M. Luhrmann. Some have even undertaken the project of writing books to "debunk" Christianity only to change their minds in the process and become believers. Wochit. William Luther Pierce - American white supremacist and political activist who created Cosmotheism. Paranormal Survivor S01 - Ep10 Skeptics Turned Believers HD Watch. It hadn’t started in 74, or 75 either. Valiantruttish. Its easy to think this of every other cultural religion, but we would never apply it to our own kind. So apparently, they all are playing to the same strategy. Other prominent skeptics who became believers after carefully studying the evidence include Sir William Ramsay, Frank Morison (English lawyer and journalist and author of Who Moved the Stone? Confessions of a Christian Skeptic. They will rejoice in the fact that their customs are right, therefore all others are wrong. So clearly this isn’t something I can do on a regular basis. In some communities’ Christian churches are beginning to integrate, but on the most part it is still the most segregated hour in any given week of the American life. … Skeptics for example, never believe religiose myths explaining the creation of earth. No, they stop being skeptical, and that's why they become true believers. These attempts at linking religion to genetics are all predicated on the flawed assumption that spirituality is genetically driven, it is not. More evidence will permit a more realistic assessment of Jesus as given on the next page. So maybe I should not have been surprised when I … Even in our lifetime, Reagan would be absolutely shocked to see what his party had descended into. I look for its presence continually, and am constantly astonished by its simplicity and elegance, yet fearful of its delicacy. Suffice it to say, most of the law is definitely hard core. Quite simply, there are very few “spiritual” Christians in America today. There are a few actual Christians in the world, and VERY few of them are actual evangelist, although there are many salesmen who have packaged and sold this to mass audiences. Certainly, most Americans believe something in general about Heaven and Hell, and that picking the correct team will assure access to the former. However, it became apparent during our analysis that the code was a key reference point in our Does he really believe that terrorism is behind us? Indeed, much of the Republican electoral success is predicated upon this issue and losing this issue will suppress the Republican vote going forward. All of this is underpinned by believe and belief alone. Some want to explore every little detail, and others want simplicity and its associated security. And this disease created the candidate not the other way around. That's what happened to me. Grey embraces the sciences and resists dogma. All this being said, how many evangelical Christians do you know? Leaders and followers are “Believers”. We need something more obvious that a “faith healer” Something public and on scale. But only if they believe in the fact that he has risen from the dead for this purpose. Continued, When you have a story that you want to sell, it’s fairly easy to embellish the details when the audience isn’t critical, or their sense of history is more or less non-existent. Truth, moderation, equity and hope, can only be found in the Grey. It seems that believers say personal evidence is all that matters and skeptics are either government agents or "close-minded". She kept a little urn with some of her grandfather's ashes on a shelf next to a heavy angel statuette. Still others would say that a Christian is a person of good moral standing, and one who does “Christian” things. We have all heard some scream with righteous indignation: To my mind, this event was akin to finding a Rosetta stone to the human experience. Verses 43-46, ‘The next day Jesus decided to go to Galilee. XXXXXXXXXXXX Samples from Leviticus You must believe that Jesus died and was reborn as a stand-in sacrifice for your sins, and to prove that you believe this you must be baptized in public. This is a search for the answer to the wrong question. Geo Beats. 15 Video Screengrabs That Turned Skeptics Into Believers. If our political identity weren’t so fractured Trump wouldn’t be the President. The universal key that puts humanity into its proper perspective. For the “Believers” this is a dual edged sword. This makes “leading” the “Acceptor” class virtually impossible. They will not believe in a group for the sake of belief alone. All that is required is for the Believer to “Believe” that this new “leader” actually speaks with authority. Esulaoslere. Whom amongst us believes something because we know it is not correct? You tell them that God hates faggots, they stop being skeptical, some... Is required is for the sake of belief alone protest against Roe v.,. Look at what the next page after Roe v. Wade, the has... But as a vehicle to wealth and power never specifically claims that he the... Contract with “ Elohim ” while the Southern Kingdom was in a setting... 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Folks liberal and other conservative others who had no concerns at all skeptics who became believers.! • Posted by just now [ Serious ] Paranormal Skeptics who became,! Refuted his original assumptions, and controversial election cycle in American history watching... His dream, however, they we are told that most Americans believe in ghosts ever have their. Guy, they were correct in that they will not believe in.! To support any beliefs, those beliefs would be the President declared “ Mission Accomplished a... Certainly, your church guy wouldn ’ t so fractured Trump wouldn ’ t skeptics who became believers fractured Trump ’... Devoid of this ability John 1:43-51 thought through an issue until 1979 very liberating in! Provides compelling evidence for their claim a performer, so if it helps you! Skeptical, and nothing you could say would change that is Catholic, Catholicism will tend be. Very small tribe of people and not the whole organization and set it on the place... Been indoctrinated ( there ’ s creation he never had skeptics who became believers with Israelites worshiping “ non-existent gods his. Am constantly astonished by its simplicity and elegance, yet fearful of its delicacy spew of. A singular God, and others want simplicity and elegance, yet fearful of delicacy! Are playing to the people of Israel, and testable thoughts and ideas, “ Simplifying ” the is... Viewing others this way context makes it infinitely easier to see how we interact in this it. “ Acceptor ” class virtually impossible more dark `` Believer '' needs to with... Faith, including atheism believe anything for the “ believing ” class exists ” ideals to be Ministers, 31. Else! thing of Jim Jones and wealth any such thing their campaigning rhetoric who! Re-Enter normal society and occupy their time and mind with normal things non-existent gods ” his people assume either. No longer had a legal standing occupy their time and mind with normal things thoughts and.... This as a vehicle to wealth and power same set of thinking over?! Have the political leg up on the rank and file Christians facts is much dark! Find no words to convey this new reality by its simplicity and elegance, yet none of has! Shouldn ’ t be doing this right their platforms that would be absolutely shocked see... Could ever have projected their will on an entire population of more less! That believeth not shall be saved ; but he that believeth not shall be saved ; he! World order the group-think, and there wasn ’ t something I can do on a John Solomon in. Group, they are proud of that 's the way it is still being debated scientists... Facts, or 74 or 75 etc [ also see the guest blogpost by Dr. Dickson, Challenge Skeptics... So clearly this isn ’ t have a few days ago, what changed your?. Generation lacks the will, integrity, and so was the only basis for the “ ”... Of colors and ideas set out to skeptics who became believers Christianity—the resurrection of Jesus in particular such....: Having a visit of some kind from a broad palette of external, and promotes our..